




1.搜救犬 救援机器人 rescue Robot 搜救犬 rescue dog 幸存者 survivor ...

2.营救小狗 ... 27 梦游者 The sleep walker 29 营救小狗 Rescue dog 30 邮递小狗 Mail dog ...

3.好会有救援犬徒手(bare hands)来搜救幸存者,如果条件好会有救援犬(rescue dog)的协助。。

4.条件好会有救援犬 fighter planes 战閗机 rescue dog 救难犬 fortysomething man 四十几岁的男人 ...


1.Austrapa, New Zealand, Singapore to carry search and rescue dog rescue team will arrive.澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡携带搜救犬的救援队也将陆续抵达。

2.There are female fire fighters and water-rescue dog handlers in the brigade, but I'm the first female diver.队里有女救火员、水上救生犬训练员,但我是第一个女潜水员。

3.Paco, a rescue dog, was adopted a few years ago by a local man.帕高是只搜救犬,几年前被一名当地人收养。

4.Cpfford and I go to visit Cpfford's brother, Nero. He is a fire rescue dog .一天Cpfford和我一起去拜访他的哥哥Nero。Nero是一头消防营救犬。

5.The dog species has a lot of kinds, they have their own career, such as guide dogs, search and rescue dog, a companion dog, etc.狗的种类有很多种,他们也有自己的职业,比如导盲犬,搜救犬,伴侣犬等等。

6.Information for rescue dog tournament from world popce dog special management seminar世界警犬专业管理研讨会暨救援犬锦标赛见闻

7.Pictures from the international rescue dog group in British英国国际搜救犬小组掠影

8.Talk about the training method for earthquake rescue dog试论地震救援犬的训练方法

9.The development way of chinese rescue dog中国灾害救援犬的发展方向