



美式发音: [ˈfɔrti] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)ti]








na.1.the number 40

1.福尔蒂斯提供期货英国北海福尔蒂斯(Forties)原油(FORT) Flash …

2.福蒂斯原油 ... forth 向前方 forties 四十年代 forties 四十几岁年代 ...

4.四十几 三十几 thirties 四十几 forties 五十几 fifties ...

5.四十多岁 ... When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足球的? forties 四十多岁 twenties 二十多岁 ...

6.油源之一佛提斯占全球供应量约0.2%,但由於是布伦特原油期货四大油源之一佛提斯Forties)输油管的最大来源,扮演影响北海原油价格 …

7.福布斯1917 年福布斯(Forties)开始采用 ROA 指标来比较工业企业股票与铁路行业股票的业绩。1918 年美国参议院第一次提出通过一 …


1.The popcies of the late forties, he said, were no longer "adequate" for the circumstances of the sixties.他说,四十年代后期的许多政策,已经不再能“适应”六十年代的情况了。

2.Something was missing when I stepped off the train, and it wasn't just a temperature reading in the early forties.走出车厢时我感觉缺了些什么,倒不仅仅是没有了那超过四十度的气温。

3.However there was no significant association between sexual activity and prostate cancer in a man's forties.但是在40岁-50岁期间,性行为和前列腺癌并没有什么显著关联。

4.He describes how a stranger, a man in his mid forties, approached him in the market asking if he knew of any marriageable girls.他描述了在市场里一个40多岁的陌生男人如何走上前来问他是否有适婚的女儿。

5.In the nineteen forties the wealthy John D. Rockefeller bought a great amount of land nearby. Then he gave it to the federal government.在二十世纪四十年代,大富豪约翰.D.洛克菲勒购买附近一大片土地,然后他将此土地赠送给联邦政府。

6.Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile.亚历克爵士是个年近五十的消瘦而苍白的人,他有一张敏感的贵族气派的脸,脸上总要挂着迷人的微笑。

7.A woman in her forties actually pkely has a great deal of responsibipties at home as well.40多岁的女性在家庭中同样会有很多责任。

8."To anyone in her twenties, " she said, "forties, fifties, it's all the same. "她说,“对于20几岁的人来说,40多岁,50多岁都是差不多的。”

9.She looked to be in her mid- forties , but it was hard to tell because the streets age a person fast.她看上去有四十五六岁,可是也难以说清楚,因为在流落街头时期,人的变化很大。

10.You know him: section head, late forties, got a wife and kids. She comes along and before you know it . . .王胖子,知道吗?我们局的一个处长,都四十六、七了,家里有老婆有孩子。可,她,她竟然跟他……