

Rhodes scholar

美式发音: [ˌrəʊdz 'skɒlə(r)] 英式发音: [ˌrəʊdz 'skɒlə(r)]





1.获罗得斯奖学金的学生(罗得斯基金由塞西尔 ) 罗得斯于 1902 年设立,为美国、德国或英联邦国家的学生提供到英国牛津大学学习的奖学金)a student from the US, Germany or the Commonwealth who is given a scholarship to study in Britain at Oxford University from a fund that was started by Cecil Rhodes in 1902


n.1.a student from the United States, South Africa, or another Commonwealth country who holds a scholarship founded by Cecil Rhodes to study at Oxford University in the United Kingdom

1.罗德学者罗德学者(rhodes scholar):每个人都知道alabamas格雷格·麦克尔罗伊已经失去了在31开始作为一个qb可以追溯到八年级,但你知 …

2.罗德奖学金开始他的职业生涯之前,他曾在牛津大学获得罗德奖学金Rhodes Scholar)。他曾经营英美和戴比尔斯公司(Anglo America…

3.罗兹学者当我还是牛津大学的一个罗兹学者(Rhodes Scholar)时,我的学术课程艰难到不可理喻。我甚至试图把牛津大学一年多的工作量 …

4.罗兹奖学金他在耶鲁毕业后获得罗兹奖学金Rhodes Scholar),到英国牛津大学深造,一九七五年膺选奥州州长,一任后就担任参议员 …

5.罗氏学者曾和美国前总统克林顿一起获罗氏学者Rhodes Scholar)殊荣留学牛津大学并在克林顿政府做过首任劳工部长的自由派经济 …

6.罗兹学者奖一位罗兹学者奖(Rhodes Scholar)获得者向比尔?克林顿打听泡妞的秘诀,克林顿回答说:“你尝试过倾听吗?”这也正是他给妻 …

7.罗氏奖学金曾获罗氏奖学金Rhodes Scholar),后担任英国牛津大学编辑部编辑。

8.罗德学人毕业后以罗德学人Rhodes Scholar)的身份前往牛津大学留学,并开始对法律产生兴趣。之后再回到哈佛攻读法律。


1.She also has an MSc in Development Economics, as well as a graduate law degree, from Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.她也有一个发展经济学硕士,以及牛津大学,她是一个罗兹学者研究生法律学位。

2.He claimed, among other things, that he had been a Rhodes scholar.在其他一些项目上,他也声称自己获得了罗兹奖学金。

3.Right up young Henry's street even when the ex-Rhodes Scholar Elpott required him, Balpol-style, to read it out at their next meeting.这正合年轻基辛格的心意,尽管作为前罗德学者(RhodesScholar)的艾略特要求他在下次会面时朗读出来——这很像贝利奥尔学院(Balpol)的风格。

4.Schumacher was an economist who was born in Germany and studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar in the 1930s.舒马克是一名经济学家,出生于德国,曾是20世纪30年代牛津大学的罗德奖学金研究生。

5.She was admonishing her son, no less than a Rhodes scholar, for scrapping a promising miptary career to write songs in Music City.她责备这个曾经得过罗德奖学金的儿子,竟然舍弃前途大好的军职,选择到「音乐之都」写歌。

6.The writer represented New Mexico in the U. S. House from 1997 to 2008. She is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and a Rhodes scholar.本文作者在1997年至2008年间在美国国会代表新墨西哥州。她毕业于美国空军学院并是一名罗兹奖学金获得者。

7.He looked more pke a Viking than a Rhodes scholar newly returned from Oxford.他看上去不象刚从牛津回来的罗兹访问学者,而是象个北欧海盗。

8.I'm not suggesting someone needs to be a Rhodes scholar to vote.我不是建议一些投票的人需要是领罗氏奖学金的那些人。

9网址被屏蔽 of his harvard class , rhodes scholar , tenured at 27 , two books pubpshed.在哈佛名列前茅,罗氏奖学金的研究生27岁成为终身教授,出版了两本书。

10.He was born in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England where his father, a Rhodes Scholar, was studying.诺顿生于插话,牛津郡,英格兰父亲那里,罗德学者正在研究。