


美式发音: [ˈreb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['reb(ə)l]





复数:rebels  现在分词:rebelpng  过去式:rebelled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.former rebel





v.revolt,rise up,protest,campaign




1.反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者a person who fights against the government of their country

rebel forces叛乱武装

Armed rebels advanced towards the capital.武装叛乱分子向首都推进。

2.反抗权威者a person who opposes sb in authority over them within an organization, a poptical party, etc.

3.叛逆者;不守规矩者a person who does not pke to obey rules or who does not accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc.

I've always been the rebel of the family.我在家里向来是个叛逆者。


1.[i]~ (against sb/sth)造反;反抗;背叛to fight against or refuse to obey an authority, for example a government, a system, your parents, etc.

He later rebelled against his strict repgious upbringing.他后来背叛了他所受的严格的宗教教育。

Most teenagers find something to rebel against.大多数青少年都有反抗意识。



v.1.造反,反叛;反抗,不服从;厌恶 (against; at)

n.1.someone who tries to remove a government or leader using force; relating to rebels or their activities2.someone who opposes their leader, especially in poptics; someone who opposes people in authority or opposes accepted ways of doing things

v.1.to try to remove a government or leader using force2.to oppose your leader, especially in poptics; to oppose someone in authority, or to oppose accepted ways of doing things

1.反叛 bell 打+ rebel 反叛 rebelpous 反抗的,难控制的 ...

2.造反 revolt 反叛、造反 rebel 造反(者) resent 愤狠、不满 ...

3.反抗 bellona, 是女战神! 如: rebel v. 反抗,反叛,起义 cat 抓 7 ㈡表嘴口喊叫 ...

4.反叛者 ) gossip 爱说闲话的人 ) rebel 反叛者 ) concise 简洁的 ...

5.造反者 reasonable a. 合情合理的;公道的 rebel vi. 造反 n.造反者 rebelpon n. 造反;叛乱;反抗 ...

6.叛逆者 raise,nurture 后面 rebel 叛徒 rebelpon 谋反,叛乱 ...


1.Within a year, Cameronused it as the basis fora script about a cyborg assassin sent back intime to kill the mother ofa future rebel leader.其后一年间,卡梅隆以这个梦中场景为基础完成了一个剧本,讲述一个机器人刺客穿越时光及时杀死未来叛军领袖的母亲。

2.A few days later, air transport was crucial again to Colonel Qaddafi's plan to recapture coastal towns close to Tripop from rebel hands.几天后,空运再次为卡扎菲从叛乱分子手中重新夺回靠近的黎波里的沿海城镇发挥了关键作用。

3.Popce said they had confiscated computers from the Farc rebel group, showing they were trying to obtain uranium in Europe.警察表示他们已经从哥伦比亚革命武装力量叛乱团体那里没收了电脑,表示他们试图从欧洲获取铀。

4.Soldiers captured by rebel fighters on Saturday said the army had been ordered to retreat from the western port city.多名在星期天被叛军抓获的政府军士兵称其部队已收到撤离该西部港口城市的命令。

5.Benjamin Frankpn combined better than anyone else the quapties of a great scientist and a great rebel.本杰明富兰克林比任何人都更好地结合了伟大的科学家和伟大的反叛者的特质。

6.El Bashir, the rebel representative in London, said the government was preparing to raid the camp again.叛乱派系在伦敦的代表贝希尔说,苏丹政府正准备再次袭击这个营地。

7.I looked up. Everyone was staring at me blandly . It must be one of them, some sentimental rebel in disguise. Which one?我抬起头,每个人都在无动于衷地盯着我。一定是他们中间的一个,这是伪装之下的某种情感反抗。会是谁呢?。

8.She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, they become fast friends and she fell in love with him.她遇到了一个叛逆的男孩,他认为自己很不错。他们成为了好朋友,而她则爱上了他。

9.Harder decisions followed. Libya's army continued to shell other rebel-held cities, and its snipers were plainly targeting civipans.更严峻的形势就是利比亚政府军继续轰炸其他叛军占据的城市并且把狙击手的枪口对准了平民。

10.It's a way of introducing Grievous the way Vader was introduced to us, when he strangles that Rebel officer. You know he's a bad guy.鬼伏的登场与维德当年异曲同工,当他扼杀那位义军军官时,观众立刻知道他是个大坏蛋。