




1.里什的木质门窗,整洁温暖的红白格桌布建成于1908年的里什Riche)咖啡馆,在埃及首都开罗市中心的解放广场已度过了103 …

2.里克摩泽尔省的《爱情魔发师》在台视上档 [绍伟在里面饰演一名叫林尔奇Riche)的发型设计师] ★2006年2月23日 5566闯天关三部曲之 …

4.黑山老妖 Cacti 仙人掌妈妈 Riche 黑山老妖 aqua riding 水中骑术 ...

5.独家 ·我想写个 传入表 java ·独家RichE ·关于命名变量 ·MSSQL 20 ...

6.郑泽 ... TOLERIANE RICHE : 特安舒护滋养面霜 Riche郑泽 Caf Riche : 富人咖 …


1.A formidable Popsh beauty, Lola was an exotic nouveau-riche specimen who taught her daughter the power of a good story.这位令人敬畏的波兰美女萝拉是外来暴发户的样本,她让女儿有了领悟一个好故事的能力。

2.Compounding the problem, the civets themselves are now hunted and served on the dinner tables of the country's nouveau riche, he said.灵猫被捕杀并摆上了暴发户餐桌更加剧了这个问题,他说。

3.The expression "riche comme un Argentin" was popular in Paris a century ago, when Argentina was one of the world's 10 wealthiest countries.一个世纪前,巴黎曾流行这样一句话,叫做“富如阿根廷人”。当时,阿根廷是全球最富裕的十个国家之一。

4.None of it was outrageous by the standards of China's nouveau riche.以中国新近诞生的有钱人的标准来看,这一切并不过分。

5.O. (ugly, fat, old) foreign passport holder, or pleather man-bag carrying nouveau riche Chinese businessman - this is not always the case.型(又丑又胖又老的)的外国护照持有者,或是跟了一位夹着仿皮男士手包的中国商界新贵,但并非总是这种情形。

6.Only this revolution is more about China's poor masses catching up to the nouveau riche in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.只有这样的革命是更多关于中国的贫困群众如何赶上上海、北京、广州的暴发户的。

7.Just as a nouveau riche may squander his money to boost his image and inflate his ego, a country has the same temptation.暴发户可能挥金如土来提升形象,自吹自擂。而一个国家大概也会面临同样的诱惑。

8.There's a strong connection between France and Asia, and it's not just about Asian nouveau-riche fondness for bottles of Bordeaux.法国和亚洲之间有着强大的联系,不止是在亚洲新富对波尔多葡萄酒的喜好上。

9.Chelsea have to be Russia. Nouveau riche, they have delusions of grandeur and get up everyone's noses.切尔西必然就是俄罗斯了,他们是暴发户,他们给人以庄严的错觉,人见人嫌。

10.The French, including many of his supporters on the right, quickly became troubled by Sarkozy's flashy nouveau riche style.法国人(包括很多支持他的右派)很快都对他浮华的暴发户式的风格感到忧虑。