




1.合适的员工ime)、合理的地点(right place),由合适的人员(right people),给恰当的病人(right patient)以最佳的方式(right process)提供最 …

7.合适的人才合的人才?我认为,找寻人才的过程应遵循4R原则,即合适的人才(RIGHT PEOPLE);合适的职位(RIGHTPOSITION);在合适的时 …


1.At the same time I hoped that he might be able to put me in touch with right people.写信的同时希望他能够让我与合适的人选取得联系。

2.I wrote to him and hoped that he might be able to put me in touch with right people.我给他写了信并希望他能够让我与合适的人取得联系。

3.As you may guess, matters will proceed much better when the right people have replaced those in authority who do not truly represent you.就如你们猜想的,当正确的人取代那些并不真实代表人民呼声之人的权力位置的时候,事情会进展的更加顺利。

4.We have to be careful who we keep. [We have to ask ourselves] 'Are these the right people we want to have a tenured position with us?我们留用谁,必须保持谨慎。(我们必须自问),‘这些是我们想维持佣工关系的合适人选吗?

5.I kept getting motivation from the knowledge that there was this niche that I could fill if I surrounded myself with the right people.如果我团结起那些合适的人,我就能填补这个领域,从这种认识中我一直持续得到发展的动力。

6.I wrote to him while I hoped that he might be able to put me in touch with right people.就在我希望他能够让我与合适的人取得联系的同时,我给他写了信。

7.Mike said he was a " slow-type players, " If you really have the right people will take the initiative to attack.贺军翔表示,自己是个“慢热型选手”,如果真的有合适的人,会去主动进攻。

8.Sometimes it's because you could not find the right people of the same interest to travel with you.有时是因为找不到志同道合的朋友一起旅游。

9.It would have been difficult to see the right people, get straight answers, and present yourself in the best pght.你不能遇到什么贵人,得不到最直接的答案,也不能展示最好的自己。

10.Around Christmas, he was able to get into a couple of games with the right people.圣诞节快到的时候,他终于有了和几个目标人物玩棋的机会。