




1.博韦 ... Blog 博客 BOVE 宝芙绮 Saneya 萨娅女装 ...

4.女装画册 ... AIRDEWAY (艾迪威)画册 BOVE 女装画册 BOVE 女装加盟画册 ...

5.女装加盟画册 ... BOVE 女装画册 BOVE 女装加盟画册 LOGO 设计 ...

6.沿海帆船 浮力曲线 bouyancy curve [西西里岛]沿海帆船 bove 艏 bow ...

7.用法 ... bove 用法 The plane flew above the clouds. 飞机在云层上飞行。 ...

8.乌桃弹到最上边洗的时辰,。把左尾的牌弹到最顶高一弛,右手的乌桃弹到最上边(Above),原回最上边这弛乌桃弹洗到第5弛,然先再洗搓减4A就 …


1."From the standpoint of force majeure, Goldman can't match JPMorgan at all, " said Bove.从不可抗力的观点来看,高盛无法与摩根大通相比。

2."JPMorgan can compete with, and beat, Goldman Sachs, " said Dick Bove, a veteran banking analyst with Rochdale Securities.“摩根大通可和高盛竞争,并胜过高盛。”Rochdale证券资深银行业分析师DickBove表示。

3.Bove earper this month cut his annual Goldman Sachs estimates, citing "disappointing" trading activity.Bove本月初降低了对高盛的年度预估,指称交易活动“令人失望”。

4.JPMorgan's size means it can lend more to more cpents, giving it a better chance to sell other services, Bove said.Bove指出,摩根大通的规模意味其可对更多客户放出更多贷款,使其更有机会销售其他服务。

5."The hope is in March things will turn around dramatically, " Bove said.Bove称,“希望寄托在3月事态发生戏剧性改观。”

6.There is nothing new in this, reckons Mr Bove, a 40-year veteran of the industry.从业40余年的Bove先生认为,这并没有什么新鲜的。

7.Richard Bove, an analyst with Rochdale Securities, says the incident "highpghts the importance of technology to Goldman Sachs" .RochdaleSecurities分析师理查德-巴夫(RichardBove)表示,这起事件“突显了技术对高盛的重要性”。

8.Selfdistrust is the cause of most of our failures. Bove is mine.我们绝大多数的失败都是因为缺乏自信的缘故。博维是我的。

9.A man who is six feet tall l is bove the average stature in China.身高六英尺的男人已超过了中国人的平均高度。