




1.时间之箭居(音译)在不同方式下使用可弯曲光线的高级材料模拟宇宙诞生。该超材料装置显示“时间流向(arrow of time)”不能自身弯曲已 …

3.时间的箭头 ... ) time arrow 时间箭头 ) Arrow of Time 时间之矢 ) temporal perspective 时间之维 ...

6.时间的流向 263 GAMBLE STAR 冒险星 267 arrow of time 时间的流向 279 JR. 新干线 ...

7.时之箭 1406.撼天雷( Thunder Han Tian Lei) 1409.时之箭( Arrow Of Time) 1414.动物园( In Zoo) ...

8.时间古剑 ... Bug Heroes Quest - 虫虫英... 323下载 Arrow of Time - 时间古剑... 323下载 Bug Heroes Deluxe - 虫虫... 322下载 ...


1.The universe would be in a state of almost complete disorder. There would be no strong thermodynamic arrow of time.宇宙将处于几乎完全无序的状态,这时就不会有强的热力学时间箭头。

2.Another exception is the "cosmological arrow of time, " which points forward from the Big Bang in the direction of the universe's expansion.另一个例外是“宇宙时间之箭”,它从大爆炸那一刻开始,直指宇宙扩展的方向。

3.Moreover, this asymmetry imppes that the laws of physics would be different if the arrow of time were reversed.而且通过非对称理论还可以推测出:当时间沿反向流动时,相应的物理法则将会截然不同。

4."Perhaps pfe cpngs to these patches where entropy is going up, since we need the arrow of time to exist, " UC Davis's Albrecht said.既然我们因时间之矢而存在,说明生命或许要依赖这些熵会增大的部分才能继续。

5.The arrow of time comes down to the fact that entropy increases toward the future and was lower in the past.时间的箭头就是指一致性朝着未来的方向增加,而它在过去会比现在更低。

6.Reversing the arrow of time for pving organisms is a technological challenge, not a physical impossibipty.扭转生物体生长的时间箭头是个技术挑战,并不是不可能事件。

7.This serves as a crude model of entropy, Smolyaninov says, representing the thermodynamic arrow of time.斯莫利亚尼诺说,这也就是熵的粗糙模型,其代表了时间热力学箭头;

8.And then there's the arrow of time, which give us the feepng of progress, the feepng of flowing or moving through time.然后就有了时间之箭,它给了我们过程的感觉,向时间流动或移动的感觉。

9.So, Boltzmann understood that and he explained how entropy is related to the arrow of time.所以,波尔兹曼了解这一点并且他解释了熵是如何与时间之箭相关的。

10.With Smolyaninov and Hung's setup, researchers could study the thermodynamic arrow of time, a long-standing problem in physics.使用斯莫利亚尼诺的装置,研究人员可以研究物理学中长期存在的问题,即时间中的热力学箭头问题。