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na.1.〈英〉同“Zero Energy Uranium System”

na.1.<BrE>Same as Zero Energy Uranium System

1.宙斯[荐]分布式存储管理系统 Sheepdog …

2.天神宙斯 会说话的汤姆猫 Talking T:0.79 % 宙斯闪电 Zeus v:0.59 % 专版游戏合集 Gameloft HD:0.39 % ...


1.Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to her, "Let me take you to meet Zeus. You are doomed to be his lover. "欧罗巴常常会梦到一个陌生的女人对自己说:“让我带你去见宙斯吧,因为命运女神指定你做他的情人。”

2.Zeus did not want his wife, Hera, to find out about his girlfriends. He told Echo to talk to Hera and keep her busy.宙斯不行让他的妻子赫拉知道这件事,就让Echo去和赫拉聊天,让她忙个不停。

3.Hera promised Hypnos to give him Pasithea 2 (one of the CHARITES) as a bride if he would help her to let Zeus fall asleep.赫拉许诺,如果修谱诺斯能使宙斯熟睡,她就将美惠三女神之一的帕西提亚许配给他为妻。

4.Zeus is too outrageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet.宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。

5.In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately.起初宙斯兴致不大,但当他见到欧罗巴时,不禁为她的美色深深吸引,宙斯无可自拔的爱上了这个欧陆公主。

6.But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took fpght, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall.屎壳郎识破了这一诡计,就滚了一个粪蛋,飞到宙斯那儿,把它丢进他的怀里。

7.created by Hephaestus on orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along with a box filled with evils.赫斐斯塔斯按宙斯命令创造,宙斯将她和一个装满邪恶的盒子送给了俄皮米修斯。

8.Moved by her fidepty , Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade of Protesilaus back to the upper air to stay with his wife for three hours.她的忠贞感动了宙斯。宙斯派海默斯护送普洛忒西拉斯的幽魂回到阳间与他的妻子共度三个小时。

9.Born Hercules, the strapping lad is rejected by his mother, envied by his brother Iphicles, and loathed by Zeus's wife Hera .当海克力斯出世后,他除了被母亲嫌弃外,还受到兄弟伊菲克勒斯的嫉妒,以及宙斯妻子希拉的厌恶。

10.Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' pghtning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.据说他背著宙斯的闪电横跨天际,当他匆匆飞过天空时,他的啼就会踢出隆隆雷声。