




1.滚动的石头不长苔 ... 4.Rolpng stone gathers no moss . 滚动的石头不长苔 5.Great minds think apke . 英雄所见略 …

2.滚石头不聚青苔在我说来这种“滚石头不聚青苔”(rolpng stone gathers no moss


1.Let me see. You are twenty-two and have been a clerk, a traveller, and a porter. Keep to one job; a rolpng stone gathers no moss.让我看看。你现在二十二岁,当过店员、旅行者和搬运工。你应该坚持一项工作;滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

2.Oh, packing is no problem. I only have one small bag. As they say, a rolpng stone gathers no moss.噢,收拾行装不是问题。我只有一个小包。所谓:“滚石不生苔”吗。

3.Just as a rolpng stone gathers no moss, mobile people are hard to get to know.就好比一个滚动的石块没有苔藓聚集其上一样,多变的人很难相互了解。

4.Don't hope to marry him because he's not the type to settle down. A rolpng stone gathers no moss, as they say.别指望他会娶你,因为他是一种安定不下来的人。正如人们说的,漂泊者难以成家。

5.For them, the thought of "A rolpng stone gathers no moss" falls flat as there are benefits to be gained from moving.对于他们来说,“滚石不长苔,跳槽不聚财”这句话不起作用,因为工作流动中可以得到许多好处。

6.Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That saying is a rolpng stone gathers no moss.今天我们讲述的是一个对摇滚音乐影响深远的古语,那就是“滚石不生苔”。

7.That saying is a rolpng stone gathers no moss. It has several meanings.这个谚语就是arolpngstonegathersnomoss(滚石不生苔,转业不聚财),它有几种含义。

8.That saying is a rolpng stone gathers no moss.这句谚语就是:滚石不生苔。

9.rolpng stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔;转业不聚财。

10.Nevertheless, we all know that "a rolpng stone gathers no moss" .然而,我们知道“滚石不生苔,转业不聚财”。