






1.In a statement, Rosneft said the British court order was groundless and it was taking all necessary measures to protect its interests.Rosneft在一份声明中表示,英国法庭的命令毫无根据,该公司将采取一切必要手段保护自身的利益。

2.So it may have been especially satisfying for Mr Medvedev to force Mr Sechin out of his eyrie at Rosneft.因此,把谢欣赶出他在Rosneft的巢穴,或许会让梅德韦杰夫格外心满意足。

3.Still, when a chunk of Rosneft comes up for sale, the temptation for them to set all that aside will be strong (see article).尽管如此,当俄罗斯石油公司出售其大部分股份时,强大的诱惑仍会令他们将这一切抛到脑后。

4.Sources close to the company said Temasek had considered investing several hundred million dollars in Rosneft.知情人士表示,淡马锡曾考虑向俄罗斯石油公司投资数亿美元。

5.The British energy company BP has again been blocked from proceeding with a proposed joint venture with the Russian company Rosneft.英国能源公司BP再一次被阻止其继续提出的跟俄罗斯公司Rosneft的共同合作。

6.Rosneft wants to transform itself into a respectable global oil firm, using its relationship with BP as a stepping-stone.Rosneft想用和BP的良好关系,将自己变成一个受人敬仰的全球石油公司。

7.A week later a similar freezing order was imposed by a court in Ireland.上周,爱尔兰法院也发布了类似命令,冻结了Rosneft在当地的资产。

8.Noises coming out of Moscow suggested that the plan was dead and that Rosneft was seeking a replacement for BP.莫斯科传出的消息称,合作计划已经失败,俄罗斯石油正在寻找其他公司来替代英国石油。

9.As long as he respects Rosneft's interests, anything else Mr Fridman does to get payback from BP will be fine by the Kremlin.只要弗里德曼尊重俄石油的利益,他在英石油中的投资收益都会遭受克里姆林宫的罚款。

10.This decision was soon overturned but it gave Yukos Capital a chance to take its case to a Dutch court which also ordered Rosneft to pay up.不久这一命令就被推翻了,但是法庭的命令给尤科斯资本机会将案件交由荷兰法庭审理。荷兰法庭亦命令Rosneft返还贷款。