



美式发音: [bip] 英式发音: [biːp]




复数:beeps  现在分词:beeping  过去式:beeped  同义词





n.1.a short high sound made by a piece of electronic equipment2.the short loud noise that a car horn makes

v.1.if a piece of electronic equipment beeps, it makes a short high sound or several short high sounds2.if a car horn beeps, or if you beep your horn, it makes a short loud noise

1.发出哔哔声 battlefield 战场,沙场 beeping 发出哔哔声 behalf 代表,利益,支援 ...

2.嘟嘟响 ... 叮当响 clanking sound;jingling of bells 嘟嘟响 honk;beeping;tooting noise; 叫响 to gain fame and success ...

3.爽约男朋友拼命呼叫碰面. 最后一个男人停下来载我. 中间一度因为我的爽约男朋友拼命呼叫(beeping)我. 总之,一连串的故事就此展开啦. 一些很典 …


1.You may find it useful to activate the beeping sounds to let you know when imgSeek is finished adding files or extracting metadata.若能激活警笛音来了解imgSeek在何时完成添加文件或元数据提取,这会很有帮助。

2.Evening Ruth might buy one of those motorised alarm clocks that falls off the dresser and scuttles under the bed, beeping loudly.晚上的露丝可以买一个机械闹钟那种可以大声响着掉下梳妆台和床底下的。

3.Because remember Dr. Soljacic's original idea was his wife's cellphone beeping.因为想起了索尔贾希克博士的最初想法来源于他夫人的手机铃声

4.'Loads of guys have been beeping their horn at me and flashing their lights so hopefully I'll get lucky.有不少男孩子都向我偷来了目光,我觉得今天准有戏。

5.He must organise his global warming campaigns through the internet and suffer and react to the beeping pleading of the incoming e-mail.他必须通过互联网组织反对全球变暖战役,忍受接收电子邮件时恼人的哔哔声,还要写回信。

6."Fifty-eight, " answered the patient, eyeing the beeping device on her finger.“五十八”这位病人回答,眼睛看了看手指上正“哔哔”响着的装置。

7.From all over town comes the sound of snowplows, the scraping plus the beeping they do when reversing.镇上各处都传来了铲雪车的动静:它们刮蹭街面的声音还有它们倒车时的哔哔声。

8.She heard the flat tone. The child's body convulsed . The tone changed. Regular beeping.她听到了平坦的明暗。孩子的身体使震动。明暗改变。老客户哔哔声。

9.When he turned the cleaner off, everyone heard a beeping noise. The noise was coming from the space scanner.当他把清洁剂,大家听到一个声响。噪音是从空间扫描。

10.This may be the explanation for Hitler's many complaints of buzzing or beeping in his ears.希特勒不停抱怨的耳鸣或许就能从这里找到解释。