



美式发音: [ˈplʌmər] 英式发音: [ˈplʌmə(r)]






n.1.someone whose job is to fit and repair pipes, water tanks, and other equipment used for supplying and storing water

1.水管工 Welder,Solderer and Cutter 焊接工 钎焊工 切割工 Plumbers 水管工 Electricians 电工 ...

2.管道工 ... 7242 Industrial Electricians 工业电工 7251 Plumbers 管道工 7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 重型机械 …

3.水管工人 6242 Cooks 厨师§ 7251 Plumbers 水管工人§ 7371 Crane Operators 起重机操作 …

4.管子工 7242:Industrial Electricians( 工业的电气专家) 7251:Plumbers( 管子工) ...

5.水暖工 7242:Industrial Electricians 工业电工 7251:Plumbers 水暖工 ...

6.管道工-管理人员 板金加工者-管理人员 Panel Beaters-Supervisor 管道工-管理人员 Plumbers-Supe…

7.水管维修工人他满口谎言,讲一套做一套,以至打击异己,包括成立「水管维修工人」(Plumbers)特别任务小组,蒐集政敌黑材料,因 …


1.Everyone from White House carpenters to plumbers to electricians lend their expertise to help make this project a success.白宫所有的员工,从木匠,管道工到电工都会协助他们一起完成。

2.Fears of an invasion of "Polish plumbers" apparently turned out to be unfounded.对“波兰水管工”涌入发达国家的忧虑可谓杞人忧天。

3.John Gardner wrote that a society, which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers , is in for trouble.约翰·加德纳曾写道,一个只赞扬哲学家而蔑视管道工的社会必定会出现麻烦。

4."You're right. A high class white-collar guy like you would never know plumbers. " said the plumber apologetically .“你说得对。象您这样的高级白领先生绝不会认识水暖工的。”水暖工歉意地说。

5.And if you spring a leak, the plumbers are all at least 235 miles (378 km) and a rocket launch away.而且,如果漏水了,管道工全都在至少235英里(378公里)以外的“一箭(火箭)之遥”。

6.John Gardener has said that a society which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for trouble.约翰•加德纳曾经说一个赞扬哲学家而鄙视水暖工社会是会出问题的。

7.Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.虽然丈夫连一根钉都钉不直,但他们被认为是天生的电气技师、木匠、管子工和机械师。

8.Mickey: Yes, but all of our plumbers are booked up until next Tuesday. Should I put you down for a morning appointment?我知道,但是我们的水管工一直到下星期二全部被预约满啦。我帮你的预约安排在早上可以吗?

9.Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.甚至那些连一枚钉子都钉不直的男人都被认为是天生的电工、木匠、水管工和机械师。

10.Plumbers will not come. Nor, at the higher level, will doctors. And doctors and dentists know their scarcity value and behave accordingly .管子工叫不来,在更高的层次上,大夫更是难请。医生和牙医知道物以稀为贵,并以此指导自己的行为。