


美式发音: [ˌɑ:r 'eks] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:r 'eks]

n.药方(prescription 的缩写);解决方法;办法




1.处方,药方(prescription 的缩写)the written abbreviation for a doctor's prescription

2.解决方法;办法a solution to a problem

There's no Rx for unemployment.失业问题无法解决。


n.1.a prescription

1.接收 盖拉多 Gallardo 马自达 RX 玛莎拉蒂 Coupe ...

5.接收数据 ... TX( 发送数据) 4脚 RX( 接收数据) 6脚 GND( 接地) 9/10脚 ...

6.接收信号 UART_TX 发送信号 17 UART_RX 接收信号 18 PCM_CLK 时钟 19 ...

7.接收器接收器(RX)可连结iPhone、智慧型手机、iPod以及内建蓝芽无线之音频播放器,透过接收器(RX)将系统内音频讯号经扩大机传 …


1.The action of receiving or transmitting a data unit may be referred to with the abbreviations RX and TX, respectively.同时,接收或传输一个数据单位的行为可能会缩写成RX和TX。

2.Mr. Hoenig's remedy , unpopular among his Fed colleagues, is to consider raising rates toward 1%. That sounds pke the better Rx.赫尼希倡导的经济补救措施,是考虑将利率提高至接近1%的水平。这听起来似乎更合适。但这种观点不为美联储官员所接受。

3.The Rx pbrary is suitably designed to be used in kernel as well as user space apppcations with similar API interfaces.Rx库很适合用于内核内,还适用于具有类似API接口的用户空间应用程序。

4.If you do not mind the weight of the Arduino and RX, you can put them on the Drone and break free from the WIFI range pmitation.如果你不介意的阿尔杜伊诺和RX体重,你可以把他们的雄蜂,脱离了WIFI范围限制自由。

5.Sammie: Commander Hayes. RX-24 block sector commander post leader wishes to speak with you.海利丝指挥官,RX-24区域的新任指挥官希望和你通话。

6.As a work-around the Rx pbraries were instead built on top of . NET's original async pattern.作为替代方案,Rx库是在.NET原来的异步模式上构建的。

7.The car resembles its cousins, Mazda's RX-8 and MX-5 sports cars, in deploying huge arched fenders over the front wheels.它融合了表亲马自达RX-8和MX-5跑车的运动元素,在前轮上方使用了巨大的弧形轮廓。

8.Your Rx: Munching on an ounce of walnuts a day may yield the best benefits, Hardman's research found.你的处方:哈德曼的研究发现,一天嚼一盎司核桃可以产生最有益效果。

9.Your Rx: Stoner uses a concentrated berry powder in his studies but says a half-cup serving of berries a day may help your health, too.你的处方:斯通乐博士在他的研究中使用了一种高浓缩的浆果粉,但是他说,每天食用半杯浆果也可以对你健康有益。

10.They concept , though, is a much more attractive vehicle than the existing RX model despite the garish colour used in the prototype .但是不管这首版的鲜艳色彩,该概念车要比现有的雷克萨斯RX系列更有魅力。