


英文单词:人妖;表名词;重复去做(repeat yourself)


1.人妖 rq 人气。 ry 人妖。 sigh 叹气。 ...

2.表名词 (art+ful 充满诡计的) (artist+ry 表名词) ( annu+ity 每年的东西年金) ... ...

3.重复去做(repeat yourself) 37、LJ: 垃圾,禁用。 38、RY人妖,慎用。 39、JS: “奸商”的缩写。 ...

5.风冷式热油泵 东风 DF 润源 RY 久保田 Kubota ...


1.Ev "ry beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be with you, oh, please" .内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望。

2.loudly cri your name, Ev'ry beat of my heart. I want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same.都在呼喊你名字。如此渴望和你一起,内心的每一次跳动。噢,希望你希望你能有同样的感觉。

3.Ev'ry morning', they wake us up dead early. . . but it was okay, 'cause you know, what's the point of lyon' around doing' nothing'?每天早晨,他们都会很早叫醒我们…但这没关系,因为你知道,躺在那里什么也不做有什么意思?

4.As a Teevan, Veld was tall and lanky with a silvery complexion and slanted silver eyes. He was apprenticed to the Jedi Ry-Gaul.作为一个提万人,魏尔德身材高瘦,皮肤银色,银眼歪斜。他是瑞高的徒弟。

5.He gave to Mis'ry all he had, a tear.他给了“坎坷”全部的所有,一滴泪;

6.The sto-ry of her life would fill a few fat volumes.她一生的故事可以写成几本厚书。

7.And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.最好是签署你的真实姓名(全名),而不是一些古怪的昵称像Ry-Ry或Biff。

8.Galban's collaboration with the American guitarist Ry Cooder on the album Mambo Sinuendo won him a Grammy award.加尔班与美国吉他手瑞·库德合作的专辑MamboSinuendo使他获得了格莱美奖。

9.At last, we have ap? ? ry research abort the relationship between gas hydrate and coastal landslide.最后,对天然气水合物与海底滑坡的关系做了初步的研究。

10.They were showing off their 'body art-ry' to raise awareness of the need for people to donate now.他们在展示身上画的“血管图”,唤起大家现在献血的意识。