


美式发音: [ˈʃeri] 英式发音: ['ʃeri]



复数:sherries  同义词

n.fortified wine,Madeira,Madeira wine,dry sherry,medium sherry



1.[u][c]雪利酒(烈性葡萄酒,原产自西班牙南部)a strong yellow or brown wine, originally from southern Spain. It is often drunk before meals.

sweet/dry sherry甜╱无甜味的雪利酒

cream sherry(= a type of very sweet sherry )浓甜雪利酒

fine quapty sherries优质雪利酒

a sherry glass(= a type of small narrow wine glass)雪利酒杯(一种细小玻璃酒杯)

2.[c]一杯雪利酒a glass of sherry

I'll have a sherry.我要一杯雪利酒。


n.1.[Food]a strong wine from southern Spain, often drunk before a meal2.a strong wine from southern Spain, often drunk before a meal; a glass of sherry

1.雪莉 白兰地 brandy 葡萄酒 sherry 汽水(软饮料) soda ...

5.灰原哀 4.Port 本酒或波堤葡萄酒 5.Sherry 雪利葡萄酒 1.Orange 橙汁 ...

7.些厘酒些厘酒SHERRY)、本酒(PORT)、马爹那酒(MADEIRA)、威末酒(VERMOUTH)、均属烈葡萄酒。这类酒多是在进 …


1.I knew her well, and I make a point of drinking a glass of sherry with a couple of eggs beaten up in it before I come.我很了解她,因此我来赴宴之前,决心先喝了一杯雪利酒,还搅了两个鸡蛋在里面。

2.Despite Sherry's claims that he needs her to win, Palmer walks away from his marriage.尽管雪莉声称他需要她才能获得胜利,帕默从他的婚姻中脱离了出来。

3.As the media surround the hotel trying to verify reports of Palmer's death, Sherry doggedly persists in wanting to disclose the truth.媒体围在酒店周围试图核实帕默已死的报道,雪莉固执地坚持,想要把真相揭露出来。

4.All Layne knew was that her name was Sherry and she was about a year younger than he was when she "disappeared. "可莱恩就只记得妹妹的名字叫谢莉,大概就比他小一岁的样子,至今也不知“失踪”何处。

5.Palmer tells his wife Sherry and son Keith that he plans to admit the truth in his breakfast speech.帕默告诉他的妻子雪莉和儿子基思,他计划将在早餐会上将真相公布于众。

6.I appreciate very much the fact that you're trying to help us out, but you just don't understand the problems between Sherry and me.我很感谢你想帮助我们,但是你不明白Sherry和我之间的问题。

7.The Card Room seems to speak of a thousand games of whist and bridge, and Gold Room is the ideal place for a pre-dinner sherry.纸牌室似乎讲述着惠斯特牌与桥牌的上千种玩法,而金厅正是饮用餐前雪梨酒的最佳去处。

8.Sherry: There sure was. I was a bit down in the dumps after I missed out on a chance to grab it.雪莉:那是当然的。我还因为没接到捧花,心情有点低落。

9.It is no exaggeration to say, sherry is still in the most ancient of continue to produce a fine wine.可以毫不夸张地说,雪利酒是至今仍在继续生产的最为古老的一种醇酒了。

10."Sherry is such a great bargain, and unpke flowers, retailers don't raise the price of it around Valentine's Day, " he said.他说:“雪莉酒(Sherry)非常便宜,而且这跟鲜花不一样,店家不会在情人节前后提价。”