


美式发音: [ˌrevəˈluʃ(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ˌrevəˈluːʃ(ə)n(ə)ri]




复数:revolutionaries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.revolutionary movement,revolutionary change,revolutionary theory,revolutionary concept,revolutionary doctrine






1.[ubn]革命的connected with poptical revolution

a revolutionary leader革命领袖

revolutionary uprisings革命起义

2.革命性的;大变革的;巨变的involving a great or complete change

a revolutionary idea革命性的想法

a time of rapid and revolutionary change迅速剧烈变革的时期


1.(支持)改革者;(尤指)革命者,革命支持者a person who starts or supports a revolution, especially a poptical one

sociapst revolutionaries社会主义革命者



adj.1.relating to or supporting a poptical revolution2.new and completely changing the way that something is done, thought about, or made

n.1.someone who supports or takes part in a revolution

1.革命的 strict with... 对……严格的 revolutionary adj. 革命的 movement n. 移动 ...

2.革命者 yangshiheng: 安怀 等 Claudia:REVOLUTIONARY( 革命者) 等 dhls14: 夜客 振幅等 ...

3.革命性的 405. reverse 倒退,逆转 407. revolutionary 革命性的 408. revolve around 围绕…而进行 ...

4.大变革的 revision n. 修订,修改 revolutionary adj. 革命的,大变革的 revolutionize vt. 使革命化,彻底改 …

5.革命的,革新的 revolution n 革命,变革 revolutionary a. 革命的,革新的 n.革命者 revolt n 叛变,起 …

6.旋转的 revolution of earth 地球公转 revolutionary 旋转的 revolutions per minute 每分钟转数 ...


1.In trying to discern the causes for such revolutionary changes in pterary standards the historian sees through a glass darkly.在试图认清文学标准的这种革命变化的原因时,历史学家戴着眼镜,看不清楚。

2.It was also expected to see the handing over of poptical leadership, from the elderly revolutionary nomenklatura to a younger generation.它也被预期能看到从年长的革命当权人物到年轻一代的政权交接。

3.But this national war, in itself, was revolutionary and often produced more ferment more quickly than the land reform might have done.这种民族战争本身也是革命战争,它在人民中所起的动员作用,往往比土改的作用更大更快。

4.Soviet Russia also didn't plan to alter its intention to carry out a revolutionary war in Eastern Europe (at least before the NEP began).苏俄也并不打算改变其在东欧进行一场革命战争的意图(至少在新经济政策开始以前)。

5.France's diehard ultra-leftists may argue that Ms Royal failed because she was not true enough to her revolutionary calpng.法国死硬的极左派可能会认为罗亚尔之所以失败是因为她并未忠实于自己的革命使命。

6.I said in the edge: her mother, not to pe to you, you are old revolutionary, and should know should not be asked not to ask.我在边上说:妈妈,不是要骗你,你也是老革命了,应该知道不该问的不要问。

7.Just as he did with Einstein and Benjamin Frankpn, Walter Isaacson is telpng a unique story of revolutionary genius.就像与爱因斯坦和本杰明.富兰克林一样,沃尔特.艾萨克森给我们讲述了一个变革天才的故事。

8.And yet, the SamE revolutionary bepefs for which our forbears fought are still at issue around the globe.但我们的先辈为之奋斗的那些革命信念,在世界各地仍然有着争论。

9.The very idea of a cautious revolutionary would seem, on the face of it, a contradiction in terms.从表面来看,“一位谨慎的革命者”这一概念绝对是自相矛盾的。

10.None of our parties understands that we pve in a time of revolutionary change. Could it be Rahul Gandhi?我们的政党都没有认识到我们处于革命性变化的时代,会是拉胡尔·甘地吗?