


美式发音: [ˈsɑmbə] 英式发音: [ˈsæmbə]







1.桑巴舞(源于巴西,节奏快);桑巴舞曲a fast dance originally from Brazil; a piece of music for this dance



n.1.a fast dance from Brazil; the music for doing the samba

1.桑巴 银牌级:( Silver) (三)桑巴( Samba) (四)帕索多不里( Paso Doble) ...

8.森巴乐到爵士华尔滋(Jazz Waltz)、森巴乐(Samba)、非洲音乐(Afro)等范畴,完成了充满 丰富变化的音乐。


1.Some of this data is short lived and can be discarded when Samba is restarted, but some of it is permanent and should not be lost.这类数据其中一些是暂时的,在Samba重启时可能会被丢弃,但是另一些却是永久的,不会被丢弃。

2.The Samba project team said Coverity had found bugs in code which had been previously considered absolutely robust and tested.Samba项目组说Coverity发现漏洞的代码曾经被认为是绝对健壮和测试过的。

3.POPULAR with foreigners looking for sun, sea and samba, Brazil wants to turn itself into a hot destination for seekers of science.巴西不仅是包括外国人在内的民众追寻阳光、海洋和桑巴的理想之地,更想把自己变为科学研究者的热门路线。

4.Wenger was prepared to wait a year while signing Jones's Blackburn team-mate Chris Samba now.温格本准备今夏签下琼斯的暴力本队友克里斯-桑巴,明年再拿下琼斯。

5.I've shown those off within the Samba team, and got approval from other core developers of Samba to say that they like the ideas.我已经在Samba团队内演示了这些更改,并得到了其他Samba核心开发人员的赞同,他们说他们欣赏这些想法。

6.If the section is not found, Samba looks through the list of users on the system to see whether the connection refers to a user.如果未找到这个section,Samba浏览系统上的用户列表,看看连接是否是指一个用户。

7.As a Samba administrator, you need to understand how the Samba services behave on the network to troubleshoot connectivity problems.作为一名Samba管理员,您需要理解Samba服务在网络上的运作方式,以便解决连接问题。

8.Samba is now configured and ready to go.到这时为止,Samba已经过配置,可以运行了。

9.You can have Samba listen on any port you want, although any client wanting to connect would have to be told to use the nonstandard port.您可以让Samba监听任何您想要监听的端口,不过必须告诉想要连接的任何客户端使用非标准端口。

10.Samba does support macros, which allow you to vary the value of the parameter according to items like the share name or input from the user.Samba支持宏,允许您根据共享名或用户输入等项目改变参数的值。
