


美式发音: [ˌpiːɛmˈpiː] 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Portable Media Player; Portable Multimedia Player)便携式多媒体播放器


英文单词:拍马屁;项目管理(project management pm);便携式媒体播放器(Portable Media Player)



1.便携式媒体播放器,PMP 播放器(全写为 portable media player,用于存储与播放声音和图像)the abbreviation forportable media player (a piece of equipment that stores and plays sound and pictures)

abbr.1.(=Portable Media Player; Portable Multimedia Player)便携式多媒体播放器2.(=Project Management Professional)项目管理专业资格认证3.【气】(=Possible Maximum Precipitation; Probable Maximum Precipitation)可能最大降水4.【农,化】(=phosmet)亚胺硫磷1.(=Portable Media Player; Portable Multimedia Player)便携式多媒体播放器2.(=Project Management Professional)项目管理专业资格认证3.【气】(=Possible Maximum Precipitation; Probable Maximum Precipitation)可能最大降水4.【农,化】(=phosmet)亚胺硫磷

abbr.1.(=Portable Media Player; Portable Multimedia Player)2.(=Project Management Professional)3.[Meteorology](=Possible Maximum Precipitation; Probable Maximum Precipitation)4.[Pesticide,Chemistry](=phosmet)1.(=Portable Media Player; Portable Multimedia Player)2.(=Project Management Professional)3.[Meteorology](=Possible Maximum Precipitation; Probable Maximum Precipitation)4.[Pesticide,Chemistry](=phosmet)

1.拍马屁 SJB: 神经病 PMP拍马屁 MPJ: 马屁精 ...

2.项目管理(project management pm).学校里没教的事(蔡学镛) 项目管理已成为职场精英新的金字招牌 IPMP与PMP …

3.便携式媒体播放器(Portable Media Player)对便携式媒体播放器(PMP)的概念、特点作简单介绍基础上,给出了基于Au1200的PMP设计方案与架构,重点分析了Au1200的 …

4.项目管理专家(Project Management Professional)杭州项目管理专家PMP)考试2012年台州质量工程师考试报名时间 浙江余姚市2011年注册安全工程师考试报名时间 杭州培 …

5.项目管理专业人员项目管理专业人员(PMP) 资质认证【查看详情】 ·山东明华澳汉智能科技有限公司 ·济南乐灵教学设备有限公司 ·济南天辰试验 …

6.国际专案管理师国际专案管理师(pmp)证照国际专案管理师, 国际, 专案, 证照, IPMA, 认同, 专案管理, 网站, 台湾, PMP 谢谢你的解说 发表评价:



1.Meanwhile, up to 67 jobs will go from the Victorian operations of print and distribution group PMP Ltd, the company announced on Thursday.与此同时,该公司上周四宣布,维多利亚经营的PMP印刷和分发集团有限公司准备裁员67人。

2.Portable multimedia players (PMP), which is usually known as the MP4 has become a consumer products of a new hot spot after MP3 .便携式多媒体播放器(PMP),也就是通常人们所说的MP4,已成为继MP3以后消费类产品的一个新热点。

3.PMP is one of the main global professional precise material research and development factories.先锋材料科技是全球专业精密材料研发与制造大厂之一。

4.The PMI developed one of the most all-encompassing PM frameworks (PMP) and provides several levels of project management certifications.PMI开发了最全面的PM框架之一(PMP),并且提供了许多等级的项目管理认证。

5.Required PMP BOK Education with extended mentoring, test simulation and a gold exam pass guarantee.需要PMPBOK教育的发散指导,模拟测试和百分之百通过率的保证。

6.He passed PMP certification, the Investment Manager certification for Construction Project and Constructor certification.冯永明先生还拥有PMP认证、投资建设项目管理师、一级建造师职业资格。

7.In the competitive world of business professionals, few certification are as well respected and recognized as PMP.众多职业的商务人士,在竞争激烈的今天,有很少的认证可以和PMP一样受人尊重和认可。

8.Project Management Professional (PMP). An individual certified as such by the Project Management Institute (PMI).专案管理师----经由专案管理学会(PMI)。认证合格的专业人士。

9.Apple's (AAPL) iPods in general have been slightly declining in sales overall due largely to the move to the iPhone for PMP services.总体而言,苹果iPod的销量已在轻微下滑,这很大程度上是由于需要多媒体播放服务的消费者转投iPhone。

10.Shim Marom (PMP) has been involved in the business implementation of IT projects in New Zealand and Australia.ShimMarom(PMP)从事于在新西兰和澳大利亚的IT项目的商业实施。