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abbr.1.suprachiasmatic nucleus

1.视交叉上核 SCL 圣地亚哥 SCN 萨尔布吕肯 SEA 西雅图 ...

4.硫氰afion+nano Ag+MWCNTs),研究了硫氰酸根(SCN-)在修饰电极上的电化学行为和测定方法。


1.Macro analysis of SCN- usually are Titration and Colorimetry, they are easy to obtain, quickly, but lower sensitivity.SCN-的常量分析的常用方法是滴定法,比色法,试剂易得、快捷,但灵敏度较低;

2.In mammals the main "clock" is located in a part of the brain known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN.哺乳动物的主要“生物钟”位于被称为视交叉上核(suprachiasmaticnucleus,简称SCN)的大脑部位。

3.The aim is to let customers who use the SCN's resources avoid any headache as they move through the network.此举旨在让使用使用SAP社区网络资源的顾客在这个网络中穿行的时候避免一些让人头疼的登陆问题。

4.As an fungal endo parasites of soybean cyst nematode(SCN)juvenile, Hirsutella minnesotensis was a potential biological control agent.明尼苏达被毛孢是大豆胞囊线虫幼虫专性寄生真菌,是一类具有潜力的线虫生防资源。

5.Geneticists have by now identified a set of genes that regulate the SCN and thus the circadian rhythm among mammals.遗传学家们目前确定了一系列基因,这些基因能够调节SCN和哺乳动物的昼夜节律。

6.For those data files not in the onpne backup mode, subsequent checkpoint will increase the SCN in their headers.对于没有处在联机备份模式的那些数据文件,随后的检查点将在它们的文件头中添加SCN。

7.When Alter Tablespace ts_name End Backup is issued, again a checkpoint SCN is recorded at the headers of onpne backup data files.当发出“AlterTablespacets_nameEndBackup”时,在联机备份数据文件的的文件头中再次记录了检查点SCN。

8.SCN owns a intrinsic rhythm itself, and is entrained by photoperiodic signal and some endogenous chemical substances.它具有自身内在的节律性,同时也受光照周期信号和一些内源性化学物质的调节。

9.The vital importance of the SCN as a biological time setter is a recent discovery, though not a new one.超染色体交叉细胞核作为生物时间调节者的重要性即使不是一项新的发现,也是最近的发现。

10.What's really new is an understanding of the SCN's internal mechanism.真正的新东西是对超染色体内在机理的理解。