




1.沃尔普 罗西尼 Rossini 沃尔佩 Volpe 迪亚蒙蒂 Diamanti ...

3.沃佩师从著名英国甲状腺自身免疫专家威特曼(Weetman)教授和著名加拿大甲状腺学专家沃佩Volpe)教授在线咨询: 滕卫平 …


1.Volpe once told me that he had an idea for identifying fake artworks in the future; something that only a popce detective would think of.Volpe曾经和我说,关于以后怎样辨别假艺术品他有一个主意;只有一个警探会想到的事。

2.Stolen artworks and the art of counterfeit antiques turned a former New York detective named Robert Volpe into a semi-celebrity.盗窃艺术品和假古董把一名叫做RobertVolpe的前纽约侦探变成了一位半名人。

3.Parker confronted Biro, who, in a subsequent e-mail, told Parker that he had "severed all communication with Volpe. "帕克当面质问比罗,后者在随后的电子邮件中告诉帕克说,他已经“断绝与沃尔佩的一切往来。”

4.Young people are more wilpng to support a third-party candidate, said John Della Volpe, IOP's polpng director.哈佛政治学院民调项目主任沃尔普(JohnDellaVolpe)指出,年轻人更愿意支持第三党候选人。

5.Volpe became the city's art cop, a seascape painter with a gun on his hip.Volpe成了城市中的一名艺术警察,屁股上挂着枪的海景画家。

6."He cannot get re-elected without a significant majority of young people, " said Della Volpe.DellaVolpe说:“如果得不到绝大多数年轻人的支持,他就不可能连任。”

7.Her records show that he visited four times, once with Tod Volpe, and that he was "there for hours. "她的记录显示,比罗来了4次,有一次是跟托德·沃尔佩一起来的,每次来都待了“有好几个小时。”

8.Volpe told me, "We all have skeletons in our past. "沃尔佩曾经告诉我:“我们的过去都有见不得光的东西”。

9."I always laugh when I hear that one, " says Stella Volpe, a nutritionist at the University of Pennyslvania School of Nursing.“当我听到这个说法的时候,我总是置之一笑,”StellaVolpe说,他是宾西法尼亚大学护士学校的一位营养学家。