




1.西恩潘 加里·莱昂那德·奥德曼( Leonard Gary Oldman) 肖恩·潘Sean Penn) 布拉德·皮特( Brad Pitt) ...

4.奥斯卡影帝西恩潘......莎拉返回80年代「娘爆」 2009年9月…

6.佩恩不少激进的电影人也来到了多伦多,奥斯卡奖获得者萧恩佩恩Sean Penn)就直接指出,他所主演的《刺杀尼克松》,影射 …


1.As you said all that, I just heard them yelpng Sean Penn's name. He's coming in.当你谈到这些的时候,我听见人们在叫西恩。潘的名字,他来了。

2.Well I wanna ask you a question, pke you ask Sean Penn. You know, but I can only in terms of sequels deal with the Hangover.好的,我想问你一个问题,就像你问西恩?潘的那样,你知道的,但我只能问些关于宿醉续篇的事。

3.She is the author of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, soon to be a movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.她是《对抗性游戏:我的间谍生活,我被白宫出卖》一书的作者。将来她还要在一部名为《NaomiWattsandSeanPenn》的电影中扮演重要角色。

4.To help talk to us about how to stay safe around water, we're joined by the American Red Cross's Sean Penn.为了帮助大家了解如何确保在水中的安全,我们邀请了美国红十字会的塞安·潘恩先生为我们做讲解。

5.The big surprise of the night was Sean Penn , winning best actor for his role as gay rights activist Harvey Milk .肖恩·潘爆冷赢得最佳男主角奖,他在影片中扮演为同性恋争权益的政治家哈维·米尔克。

6.'Tis the season for Hollywood's big blockbuster films, but when all is said and done, this may wall be the year of Sean Penn.如今正是好莱坞超级大片闪光的时候,但当尘埃落定,这也很有可能是肖恩•潘之年。

7.ROWLAND OK, great, Sean Penn with the American Red Cross. And also, Sanjay, remember, never swim alone, always take along a buddy.很好,太好了,美国红十字会的塞安·潘恩先生。对了,杉界,记住了别一个人去游泳,一定要带着好友一块去。

8.She actually thought Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia.她真的以为西恩潘是高棉的首都

9.Interests include. . . Co-owning a restaurant called Man Ray (after the artist) in Paris with Sean Penn and John Malkovich.兴趣…与肖恩·潘和约翰·马尔科维奇在巴黎合开一家叫曼·雷(与艺术家同名)的餐馆。

10.OK, great, Sean Penn with the American Red Cross.很好,太好了,美国红十字会的塞安·潘恩先生。