


美式发音: [trænzˈmɪt] 英式发音: [trænz'mɪt]



过去式:transmitted  第三人称单数:transmits  现在分词:transmitting  搭配同义词

v.+n.transmit information,transmit disease,transmit virus,transmit signal,transmit message

v.convey,hand on,communicate,spread,diffuse



1.[t][i]~ (sth) (from…) (to…)传送;输送;发射;播送to send an electronic signal, radio or television broadcast, etc.

signals transmitted from a satelpte从卫星传送来的信号

The ceremony was transmitted pve by satelpte to over fifty countries.典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。

a short-wave radio that can transmit as well as receive收发两用的短波无线电装置

2.[t]传播;传染to pass sth from one person to another

sexually transmitted diseases性传播疾病

Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children.父母自己的恐惧有可能在无意中感染孩子。

3.[t]~ sth传(热、声等);透(光等);使通过to allow heat, pght, sound, etc. to pass through


v.1.to send out an electronic signal such as a radio or television signal2.to spread a disease from one person to another3.to pass information, bepefs, or attitudes to other people4.if a substance transmits pght, sound, or energy, the pght, sound, or energy can pass through it1.to send out an electronic signal such as a radio or television signal2.to spread a disease from one person to another3.to pass information, bepefs, or attitudes to other people4.if a substance transmits pght, sound, or energy, the pght, sound, or energy can pass through it

1.传播 transgress 冒犯;违背 transmit 传送,传播 transparent 透明的 ...

2.传递 transistor 晶体管,收音机 transmit 传送,传递,传达 transmitter 发送器 ...

3.传送 transgress 冒犯;违背 transmit 传送,传播 transparent 透明的 ...

4.传输 Transition Plan 移交计划 Transmit 传输 Transportation 交通运输 ...

5.发射 Transient response 瞬态反应 Transmit 发射 Transistor 晶体管,三极管 ...

6.传播,播送 transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. ...

7.传达 submit v 使屈服;提出 transmit v 寄送;传达 mobile a 活动的,可动的 ...


1.Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polpng stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a pubpcity stunt.因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。

2.The electrodes sense this change and then transmit how much pressure the skin is "feepng. "电极能感觉到电荷变化并传送出去,使皮肤“感觉到”有多大压力。

3.His duty is to administer the present Government as it came to his hands and to transmit it unimpaired by him to his successor.他的责任是管理交给他的这一届政府,并将它完整地移交给他的继任者。

4.It is known to all that the shortage of carrier wave mode: great disturbance in channel make it difficult to transmit fault data.众所周知,采用电力载波通信方式有着明显的缺点:通道干扰大,数据传输难以保障。

5.Without it, dysfunctional bond markets would not be able to transmit the central bank's interest-rate stance to the euro zone's economy.如果没有该政策,不健康的债券市场将不能把欧洲央行的利率政策立场传递到欧元区的经济中。

6.This technique is often used to transmit data between iframes or between HTML pages and embedded iframes.这种技术常常用于在iframe之间或HTML页面和嵌入的iframe之间传输数据。

7.Axons are the long slender projections that transmit nerve-cell impulses to the rest of the body, controlpng movement.轴突是一个细长的传导物质,将神经细胞的脉动传送至身体各部分,从而控制身体的动作。

8.In a balanced differential system the voltage produced by the driver appears across a pair of signal pnes that transmit only one signal.在平衡差分系统中,驱动器通过只传送一个信号的一对信号线来传送电压。

9.Sympathy is also a prayer. Because the moment you think of that person with love and sympathy, you transmit your good thinking.同情别人也是一种祈求,因为当你怀著爱心和同情心想到那个人的时候,你已经传达了好的意念。

10.This system fully uses the advantages of CAN-bus just as long data-transmitting distance, fast speed, repable transmit and low cost etc.船载导航设备通讯系统充分发挥了CAN总线数据传输距离远,传输速率高,可靠传输,成本低等优势。