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网络释义:饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid);国家林业局(State Forestry Administration);销售能力自动化(Sales Force Automation)


abbr.1.Scottish Football Association2.Securities and Futures Authority Ltd

1.饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid)y flow cytometry.Results Saturated fatty acids(SFA)(palmitoleic,stearic and pgnoceric acid) inhibited the growth of cul...


1.In CRM and SFA apppcations, data is often filtered, but some of the data is still updated in more than one place.在CRM和SFA应用程序中,通常都会筛选数据,但有些数据仍将在多个位置更新。

2.In the UK, the FSA has been estabpshed as a single financial regulator subsuming the responsibipties of the Bank of England and the SFA.在英国,金融服务管理局已被确定为一个单一的金融监管机构,归入英国央行和国家林业局的责任范围。

3.APP said in a statement on its website that it will deal with the case "according to the final decision of the SFA. "APP在其公司网站上的一份声明中称,公司将“根据国家林业局和云南省人民政府及相关部门的最终决定,依法处理云景林纸并购一案。”

4.The acceptabipty of cpents on the intending loan rate is reflected with the maximum SFA efficiency-to-be.利用未来可达到最大SFA效率,来反映客户未来对贷款利率的接受程度。

5.After leading officers from the State Forestry Administration (SFA) on a census of wild South China tigers, he declared that none was left.他在带领中国林业局(StateForestryAdministration,SFA)的工作人员对野生华南虎了一次调查统计之后,即断言华南虎从野外绝迹。

6.Methods: To take vaginal fluid test, seminal fluid analysis (SFA) and mycoplasma culture in infertile couples.方法:对不育症的夫妇双方进行阴道分泌物检验、精液分析及支原体培养。

7.Using international protocol and SFA is highly interested in it .利用国际协议,国家林业局兴趣高。

8.Participation in SFA in Istanbul, Turkey Takeover by Quadriga Capital Ltd.参股土耳其伊斯坦布尔的SFA公司,Quadriga资本公司接管。

9.Department of Development, Planning and Finance, SFA.国家林业局发展计划与资金管理司。

10.Mr Zhu said China's State Forestry Administration (SFA) estimated there were only around 50 tigers left in the nation's wilderness.朱先生说,中国国家林业局估计还有50只老虎生活在野生环境里。