


美式发音: [ˌes em ˈes] 英式发音: [.es em 'es]

n.(手机的)短信服务(全写为 short message service)


网络释义:短信(Short Message Service);简讯;短讯



1.[u](手机的)短信服务(全写为 short message service)the abbreviation forshort message service (a system for sending short written messages from one mobile/cell phone to another)

2.[c](手机)短信,短消息a message sent by SMS

I'm trying to send an SMS.我正想发短信。


1.[t][i]~ (sb)(用手机)发短信to send a message to sb by SMS

He SMSed me every day.他曾每天给我发短信。

If you have any comments, just email or SMS.假如你有任何意见,可发电子邮件或短信。

She spends her time chatting and SMSing.她通过聊天和发短信消磨时间。


n.1.short message service: a method of sending a text message to a cell phone2.a text message sent by SMS

1.短信(Short Message Service)短信(SMS),彩信(MMS),录音功能,飞行模式,情景模式,主题模式,闹钟功能,计算器,电子词典,备忘录,日程表 记事 …

2.简讯简讯可让您撰写及传送简讯 (SMS) 和多媒体简讯 (MMS) 至其他的行动电话。 开启讯息 按下主萤幕,接著点选 ,然后再点选简 …

3.短讯透过短讯(SMS)、多媒体讯息(MMS)或电邮接收您的登机证,然后在机场您可出示您的手提电话*或列印本。 在办理登机手续时 …

4.安全管理体系(Safety Management System)安全管理体系(SMs)在我局的船舶运行有将近11年时间了,救捞体制改革后改版的SMS文件在船舶运行也有5年的时间。虽然船 …

5.短消息短消息服务,包括短消息SMS)听写服务实时兴趣点和本地搜索 实时信息服务 通过汽车信息娱乐系统获得服务 混合汽车语 …

6.短消息服务通过短消息服务(SMS)的文本消息处理功能向移动用户发送消息通知;Cisco Unity Unified Messaging支持短消息双等协议 (SMP…

7.短信息联锁短信息(SMS):可将几个短信息联起来作为一个长短信息发送 话机通讯录: 共100条 通话记录: 10条已接+10条未接+1…


1.Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS.赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。

2.In Profiles there must be at least one profile active, otherwise you won't be able to create new SMS alert.在配置文件中必须有至少一个配置文件活动,否则你将无法创建新的SMS警报。

3.The popularity of sending SMS messages can be witnessed first-hand as you see mobile phone users thumbing away at their keypads.只要您看见移动电话用户的拇指在电话键盘上按动,就能够亲身体会到SMS消息的流行。

4.And SMS is no longer just for Twitter, as you can shoot off a quick text message to post directly to your blog.而当你可以直接用文本信息在你的博客上发帖时,SMS彩信也就不再仅仅适用于Twitter了。

5.UPS SMS Tracking is a free service provided by UPS to let you stay up to speed with your shipments.UPS短讯追踪由UPS免费提供,让您了解托运货件的最新动态。

6.So by sending SMS to a beautiful sister, her sister said she was OK with me, so decided to go.于是发个短信给美好姐姐,美好姐姐说她去的,于是还是决定去吧。

7.Block from black pst rules - the phone will block the incoming SMS messages, which meet at least one of the rules psted below.街区黑名单规则-手机将阻止传入的短信,其中至少有一个符合的规则如下所列。

8.An SMS-based one- time password generated by the bank and sent to your mobile phone for additional identity authentication .银行向你的手提电话发出只用一次的密码短讯,作为额外核证之用。

9.Ggong repped that although he's not able to read in real time pke SMS, but he is always trying to read all the messages on the board.孔刘回答尽管不能像读短信一样在节目中读出,但他一直在看上面的所有留言。

10.UPS SMS Tracking is a convenient service that lets you track your packages efficiently with just a few simple commands to your mobile phone.UPSSMS包裹追踪是一项方便的服务,您只要在移动电话上输入几个简单命令即可有效地追踪包裹。