




1.斯奈普 ... Cha 茶 Snapple 思蓝宝 Tono-Bungay 《托诺.邦盖》 ...

4.斯耐普读者,都能从桂格公司(Quaker Oats)收购斯耐普Snapple)带来的灾难性后果——20多亿美元的股东价值化为乌有,耗 …

5.奈普饮料训,例如桂 格燕麦片(Quaker Oats)以史奈普饮料Snapple)介入果汁市场。

6.思蓝宝公司得了不温不火的成功。”报告认为,出现象佳得乐还有斯纳波饮料Snapple)和班杰利冰淇淋(Ben and Jerry’s)这样一些无 …


1.Hires is now owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group which also sells other brands of root beer.雇用现在拥有由博士辣椒Snapple的集团还销售其他品牌的根啤酒。

2.Another disaster story was the acquisition of Snapple drinks by Quaker.另外一个灾难性的故事是桂格(Quaker)收购Snapple。

3.Sometimes during night classes, he'd replace half of a Snapple bottle with vodka.有时,晚上上课时,他会用斯奈普(一种软饮料)的瓶子装上伏特加。

4.In a new multimilpon-dollar ad campaign, Snapple also promotes natural ingredients.在一个新的百万美元的广告活动中Snapple也推广了天然原料这一点。

5.Soon afterward, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola said they would introduce products to compete with Snapple's non carbonated drinks.此后不久,百事可乐和可口可乐公司表示,他们将引进的产品竞争snapple的noncarbonated饮料。

6.In 2006, a revival of " The Fantasticks" opened in the Snapple Theater Center near Times Square in New York.在零六年,纽约时代广场附近的斯耐普戏剧中心重新演出了《异想天开》。

7.According to one survey, only 32 percent of Snapple customers knew that its tea beverages were made with real tea leaves.根据此调查只有32%的Snapple的消费者知道它的茶饮料是由真正的茶叶制成的。

8.The new Snapple label boasts that the drink is "made with green and black tea leaves. "新的Snapple商标自夸其饮料是“由绿茶和红茶叶子制作。”