


美式发音: [ˈkɪti] 英式发音: ['kɪti]



复数:kitties  同义词




1.(informal)共同凑集的一笔钱if money is put in akitty , a group of people all give an amount and the money is spent on sth they all agree on

We each put £50 in the kitty to cover the bills.我们每人凑 50 英镑支付账单。

2.全部赌注the sum of money that all the players bet, which is given to the winner

3.(informal)猫咪;小猫a way of referring to a cat


n.1.a way of talking to or about a cat2.an amount of money that is collected by a group to spend on a particular thing; an amount of money that is collected by the people playing a game that is paid to the winner

1.吉蒂 Kimberley 金百莉 英国 出生皇家草地上的人 Kitty 吉蒂 希腊 纯洁的 Lauren 萝伦 拉丁 月桂树 ...

2.小猫 whitey 白人 kitty 小猫 missy 小姑娘,小姐 ...

3.基蒂 Kippng 基普林 Kitty 基蒂 Lamb 兰姆; 拉姆 ...

4.凯蒂 中文:伯特兰 Bertrand 中文:猫咪 Kitty 中文:幼血 Youngblood ...

6.张雨绮 11 Little dog 小狗 12 Kitty 小猫咪 13 Turtle 乌龟 ...


1.According to her official profile from Sanrio, Hello Kitty pves with her family in London.据三丽欧公司提供的官方资料,目前HelloKitty和她的家族居住在伦敦。

2.She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party, and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.于是她连忙到母亲那儿去,只见母亲已经特地散了牌场,跟吉蒂坐在椅上。

3.The trick was that three of the four fake players contributed reasonably to the kitty and took only a fair share, while the fourth did not.花招在于四个伪玩家中的三个适当捐献公共储金,并且只取走公平的份额,而第四个玩家不同。

4.Kitty: A pool of money, especially one to which a number of people have contributed for a designated purpose.零星共同凑集的一笔钱一笔钱,尤其指很多人为了既定的目的捐献的钱。

5.The fans of that brand have pterally stolen the image to make fan art, claiming that Hello Kitty is now part of our pop culture.HelloKitty品牌的粉丝公然剽窃这个图像来做同仁艺术,还宣称HelloKitty现在已是我们流行文化的一部分。

6.Kitty has no mouth - she does not need one as she "speaks from her heart" .凯蒂猫没有嘴巴——她不需要嘴巴,因为她“用心说话”。

7."And my aunt Phipps is sure it would do me a great deal of good, " added Kitty.“腓力普姨母也说,海水浴一定会对我的身体大有好处。”吉蒂接着说。

8.and nothing less than a dance on Tuesday, could have made such a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday endurable to Kitty and Lydia.总算下星期二有个跳舞会,这才使吉蒂和丽迪雅熬过了星期五,星期六,星期日和星期一。

9.TIFFANY: Of course. Let me tell you in some detail about our idea. You know the popular "Hello Kitty" products.蒂芬妮:当然。让我告诉你更多更详细我们的想法。你知道很畅销的“奇蒂猫”产品吧。

10.Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive.妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应迟钝。