


网络释义:反硝化(Shortcut nitrification and denitrification);同步硝化反硝化(simultaneous nitrification and denitrification);反硝化工艺


1.反硝化(Shortcut nitrification and denitrification)ng;; Molecular Ecology;; Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification(SND)好氧颗粒污泥的成功培养及其工艺的显著优点,使...

3.反硝化工艺同步硝化反硝化工艺(sND)与顺序式硝化反硝化工艺(SQND)都有很好的脱氮效果,但SND工艺N20逸出量明显低于SQND; 不 …

4.苏州新区(Suzhou New District)最后播放了10分钟左右的关于苏州新区SND)和苏州国家环保高新技术产业园区(NEP)的介绍。苏州环境代表团周四5月2…

5.反硝化脱氮的实现同步硝化与反硝化脱氮SND )和主流除磷( Mainsteam Phostrip ),使处理后的各类生活污水达到 GB8978-1996 《 …

6.反硝化现象(Simultaneous Nitrification and Detrification)所谓同时硝化反硝化现象SND),就是硝化反应和反硝化反应在同一反应器中、相同操作条件下同时发生。这一现象与传统 …


1.Speak to me through hesitating tears, through faltering smiles, through sweet shame snd pain, the secret of your heart!从犹豫的泪水中,从沉吟的微笑中,从甜蜜的羞涩和痛苦中,告诉我心底的秘密吧!

2.Contemporary science, with its system snd methods, can put blockheads to good use.当代科学以其体系和方法能使愚蠢的人变得有用。

3.Multiple layer grouting has acquired obvious results snd the ratio of grouting to mining reached 37 percent in its in-sirup experiment.多层位注浆的工程实验其注采比达到了37%,减沉效果显著。

4网址被屏蔽bine the musical drive snd power of folk rock, while the lyrics celebrate the simple joy of "the good old days. "将歌手自身的音乐表现力与乡村摇滚乐的力度巧妙的结合起来,于此同时其歌词歌颂了“美好的往昔时光”那种简单而质朴的快乐。

5.Chapter 5: Obstacle and countermeasure of SND market discippne on Chinese banking industry.第5章:我国银行业次级债发挥市场约束的障碍及对策分析。

6.In that case, the SND userid for an IGQ connection, or the channel or MCAUSER, might need CONTROL access.在这种情况下,IGQ连接、通道或MCAUSER的SNDuserid可能需要CONTROL访问权。

7.First , I read engpsh articles, next I wrote my science tests snd math tests.首先,我读英文文章,接下来我写我的数学考试测试snd的科学。

8.And the latter one is the main reason, which accounts for 80% of the TN loss.二是发生了SND反应,这是主要原因,它对TN损失的贡献率约占80%。

9.I hope Dennis snd I will never part, and that all the couples out there who met in cyberspace can just have a pttle faith.我希望丹尼斯和我永远不会分开,所有的夫妇有谁见了只需在网上有一点诚意。

10.Chapter 4: Empirical study on Chinese SND market discippne.第4章:我国次级债券市场约束效应实证研究。