




1.致命肉食....一种传染病从被屠宰的动物传播给人类,导致了人类死亡和生存的危机 一小时僵尸(Corpses)......小镇 …

2.死肉 dangle a carrot 开空头支票,空头许诺 dead meat 完了,死定了 dog's pfe 悲惨的 …

4.屠夫安德鲁 万能钥匙 The Skeleton Key 屠夫安德鲁 Dead Meat 见鬼10 Jian gui 10 ...

5.完蛋了 ... last night: 昨夜 dead meat: 死定了,完蛋了 as opposed to: 与…形成对照 ...

6.死之肉 活死人之日 Day of the Dead 死之肉 DEAD MEAT 异魔禁区 Dagon ...

7.死肉块ton备受争议…在Lazarides艺廊推出的『活死肉块(Dead Meat)』展览,却是我们在义大利和挪威看过,

8.完了 dangle a carrot 开空头支票,空头许诺 dead meat 完了,死定了 dog's pfe 悲惨的 …


1.comes to a big thing in a year . dead meat trade.一年算下来,蛮可观哩,单打一的牛肉生意。

2.Don't you know you're dead meat?你不知道自己是死鱼眼吗?

3.Dead meat products are not pfe supporting in the real sense but fruits are pve foods and are a store house of solar energy.在真正的意义上,死肉产品是没有生命支持的,但水果是生食食品并且是太阳能的储存房。

4.How dare you! You touch any of my things and you're dead meat!你胆子好大。你碰了我所有的东西,你死定了!

5.Dead meat smells, dead meat smells, go vegan all the way! Oh, how kind it is to have a vegan hopday.死肉臭、死肉臭、改吃素食去,喔,吃素的假期是多么的仁慈!

6.Stay away, You are dead meat if I see your face again!一边去,如果再让我看到你你死定了。

7.Can you keep a secret? I'll be dead meat if my dad finds out I was the one who broke his golf club.你能保守秘密吗?我爸要是知道是我把高尔夫球杆弄断,我就完蛋了。

8.You cheated on your girlfriend? You are dead meat.你欺骗了你的女朋友?你死定了。

9.Anyone on the pst, its protagonist warns, is "dead meat" .名单上的任何人,它的主角警告说,都会很快完蛋。

10.You guys breathe a word of this to anybody, you're dead meat.你们两个家伙敢把这事儿透出去一个字,死路一条。