


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=shore patrol)(美国海军或海军陆战队的)岸上宪兵

英文单词:服务提供商(Service Provider);堆栈指针(Stack Pointer);要人警护官(Security Police)


abbr.1.(=shore patrol)(美国海军或海军陆战队的)岸上宪兵,基地宪兵

abbr.1.(=shore patrol)

1.服务提供商(Service Provider) 冷光源型号/规格: JST-893 监控拾音头 安防监控拾音器型号/规格: SP-16E ...


1.RealPlayer SP can be a real help when it comes to putting the content that you want on your portable device.如果你想把视频内容复制到移动设备上,RealPlayerSP是个很好的选择。

2.He was, as it were, intoxicated by the soft air and sunshine of sp ring.他像往常一样陶醉于春天温馨和煦的阳光和空气里。

3.As the SP patch, marked with the best. If not enough, heavy equipment systems, replacement or other version of the system.象SP的补丁,最好打上。如果还不行,重装系统,或更换其他版本的系统。

4.This feature allows the service processor (SP) to isolate faults and log events that take place right up to the point of the actual failure.这个特性让服务处理器(SP)能够隔离错误,并在日志中记录在实际故障点之前发生的事件。

5.The desired temperature is usually referred to as the set-point (SP).所需的温度通常称为设定点(SP法)。

6.When a default is created, use sp_bindefault to bind it to a column or to an alias data type.创建默认值时,请使用sp_bindefault将其绑定到列或别名数据类型。

7.Sp_repldone should only be used for troubleshooting replication as directed by an experienced replication support professional.应当只在有经验的复制支持专业人员的指导下对复制进行故障排除时才使用sp_repldone。

8.The stored procedure sp_MSgetmetadata is called to determine whether a change should be applied as an insert, update, or delete.调用存储过程sp_MSgetmetadata,从而确定是否应该通过插入、更新或删除操作应用更改。

9.The sp_remote_columns system procedure produces a list of the columns on a remote table and a description of those data types.sp_remote_columns系统过程生成远程表上列的列表和这些数据类型的说明。

10.in a room where the fish tank, the city in recent ye ars has become one of his sp are time collecting the good choice.在居室里养一缸鱼,近几年成了都市人工作之余怡情养性的好选择。