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英文单词:全直肠系膜切除术(total mesorectal excision);真代谢能(true metabolizable energy);直肠全系膜切除



1.全直肠系膜切除术(total mesorectal excision)全直肠系膜切除术(TME)对进展期直肠癌预后的影响分析卞红磊; 低温等离子消融术应用于功能性内镜鼻窦手术的临床观察 陈春; …

2.真代谢能(true metabolizable energy)体内真代谢能TME)提高20.6%。纯度高:100%采用动物蛋白制成,不含任何填充物,产品呈淡黄色,流动性好。

3.直肠全系膜切除  采用直肠全系膜切除TME),直肠癌超根治,腹腔镜下直肠全系腹切除(LOTME)+臀大肌原位肛门重建,根治性左、右半 …

4.直肠系膜全切除其二是必须遵循直肠系膜全切除(TME)的原则,即保证手术标本中的直肠系膜的完整无损,远端系膜切除离肿瘤不少于5cm,远 …

5.直肠癌全系膜切除术在直肠癌全系膜切除术(TME)时,因远端系膜的切除范围要在肿瘤下端5cm ,钝性分离系膜易撕裂致癌细胞残留,故在游离直 …

6.直肠全系膜切除术目前直肠全系膜切除术TME)被认为是直肠癌根治的金标准。1982年英国Heald教授研究发现直肠系膜中可以存在癌灶,但 …


1.The advantage of TME is that it has only one type of allylic moiety and therefore, the reaction products have only few isomers.全直肠系膜切除的优点是,它只有一个,因此烯基型,反应产物只有少数异构体。

2.Furthermore, the cross linked products can be separated by HPLC from the crosslink precursors and the unreacted TME.此外,交联产品可以分离高效液相色谱法从交联前体和未反应的屯门东。

3.Objective: To evaluate the effect of radical proctectomy with TME for the treatment of the lower rectal carcinoma in aged.目的探讨全直肠系膜切除术(TME)在高龄低位直肠癌患者的治疗效果和并发症。

4.an elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a. m and is asked where he is going at this tme of night.凌晨2点,一位上了年纪的男人被警察拦了下来,并问到晚上这个时候是要去哪里?

5.Having enrolled in one course, you are entitled for a life tme to pay half price for any IBA courses.注册一门课程后,你将永久享有半价注册国际双语协会的任何课程。

6.Tme will not stop, we are able to retain only those moments.时间不会停,我们能挽留的,只有那些瞬间。

7.Objective To determine the effect of total mesorectal excision(TME)with double stapling Technique(DST)in lower rectal carcinoma.目的探讨全直肠系膜切除(TME)加双吻合器(DST)在低位直肠癌手术中的应用效果。

8.Compared to the chemical method, the enzymatic method can predicted the TME of soybean with EHGE in ducks directly.而与化学成分法相比,本研究建立的酶法可直接用于豆粕鸭真代谢能值的估测。

9.Tomorrow this new-type machine will be tried for the first tme.明天这台新式机器将进行第一次试车。

10.The third tme they came near one another.第三他们在互相附近来了。