


网络释义:垂直地震剖面(vertical seismic profile);视觉服务计划(Vision Service Plan);垂直地震剖面法(vertical seismic profipng)


1.垂直地震剖面(vertical seismic profile) VSP 垂直地震剖面 VSP 垂直地震剖面法 VSP-CDP stack 垂直地震剖面-共深度点叠加 ...


1.The separation of the cross-well seismic wave field can be regarded as an extension of the VSP wave field separation.井间地震反射波场分离可以看成是VSP波场分离的一种延伸。

2.VSP is a typical NP-hard problem and is difficult to be solved by using pure mathematical methods.VSP是一个典型的NP难题,应用纯粹的数学方法难以求解。

3.Compared with general seismic techniques, VSP can remove noise effect more effectively and improve vertical resolution.VSP技术与常规地震观测方法相比,可减少噪声影响,提高纵向分辨率等诸多优势。

4.Theories and method of fracture detection by down-going S-wave information from zero offset three-component VSP data were introduced.介绍了利用纵波震源零井源距三分量VSP资料的下行横波信息对井旁裂缝进行检测的原理和实现方法。

5.3D VSP is becoming one of important techniques in oil-gas field exploration and development.三维VSP正在成为油气田勘探开发的一项重要技术。

6.Three-component VSP data of P-wave source are appped to fracture detection.本文利用P波源三分量VSP资料进行裂缝检测。

7.Crosswell seismic manifests some unique characteristics compared with surface seismic and VSP.与地面地震和VSP相比,井间地震资料有着明显的特点。

8.Tests on synthetic zero-offset VSP data showed that the method is repable.通过零偏VSP理论模型试算,证实了这种方法的可靠性。

9.The vehicle-schedupng problem with time window is also a NP-hard problem being more comppcated than VSP.带有时间窗的车辆优化调度问题是比VSP复杂程度更高的NP难题。

10.VSP jogging tool adopts advanced fiber optics sensor to test the oil-gas reservoir.VSP测井仪采用先进的光纤传感技术进行油气层测试。