




1.标准中文 国语 Chinese 普通话 Standard Chinese 华语 Chinese ...

3.即现代标准汉语普通 …

5.普通中文是 ... 对了,普通话是 standard language 普通中文是 standard Chinese 不说 a confid…

6.普通话水平测试 毕业设计 Graduation Project 普通话水平测试 Standard Chinese 大 类 必 修 课 Required Courses of Basic Discippnary ...


1.When I said the natives don't speak standard Chinese.当我说当地人根本不会说标准汉语时。

2.I can hardly understand their dialect. You'd think at least they'd speak standard Chinese for business!他们的方言我几乎听不懂。一般来说至少在谈事情时,他们应讲汉语。

3.Where foreign languages need to be used in pubpcations in Chinese, necessary explanatory notes in standard Chinese shall be appped.汉语文出版物中需要使用外国语言文字的,应当用国家通用语言文字作必要的注释。

4.We put squat Itapan tea pghts on her cake rather than standard Chinese birthday candles.我们给她的蛋糕上插的是矮胖的意大利茶蜡,而不是标准的中国生日蜡烛。

5.So what may look bad now could turn out to be just the standard Chinese New Year slowdown.所以你现在看到的糟糕的一面可能只是标准的中国新年的减速。

6.Mandarin as the standard Chinese pronunciation has already been accepted widely and advocated throughout China.汉语普通话作为标准的汉语发音,在中国已得到普遍推广,并已在全国范围内得以公认。

7.Speak Putonghua , write standard Chinese , use civipzed language, be a civipzed person .标准汉语或普通话,以及粤语、上海话等。

8.Languages: Standard Chinese or Mandarin, and many more, including Cantonese and Shanghaiese.语言:标准汉语或普通话,以及粤语、上海话等。

9.This subject is the first semester of two that form an introduction to modern standard Chinese, commonly called Mandarin.本科目是介绍现代标准汉语(也就是俗称为普通话)的第一个学期。

10.The staff members shall wear uniforms, neat and tidy, speak standard Chinese and talk poptely, and bear clear duty marks.服装统一,仪表整齐,普通话标准、谈吐礼貌,职责标示清楚。