


美式发音: [stəˈtɪstɪk] 英式发音: [stə'tɪstɪk]




复数:statistics  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.economic statistic

n.number,figure,digit,piece of data,measurement



1.[pl]统计数字;统计资料a collection of information shown in numbers

crime/unemployment, etc. statistics犯罪、失业等统计资料

According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.根据官方的统计数字,500 多人死于这种疾病。

Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car.统计资料表明,会骑自行车的人比会开汽车的人多得多。

These statistics are misleading.这些统计资料会引起误解。

2.[u]统计学the science of collecting and analysing statistics

There is a compulsory course in statistics.有一门统计学的必修课。

3.[c](一项)统计数据a piece of information shown in numbers

An important statistic is that 94 per cent of crime relates to property.一个重要数据是 94% 的犯罪同财产有关。

I felt I was no longer being treated as a person but as a statistic.我感觉我不再被看作人,而被看作一个统计数字了。



n.1.a group of numbers that represent facts or that describe a situation2.the science of using numbers to represent facts and describe situations3.a number that represents a fact or describes a situation; a person considered as a number, not as an individual

1.统计量 Starting value, 起始值 Statistic, 统计量 Statistical control, 统计控制 ...

2.统计学 Sports management and Health / or Coach promotion 体育管理与健康 Statistic 统计学 Sociology 社会学 ...

3.统计数值 splurge v. 挥霍, 乱花 statistic n. 统计数值, 统计资料 statistics n. 统计学 ...

4.统计值 stationery n. 文具 statistic adj. 统计的 statistics n. 统计,统计数字 ...

6.数据 数字 figure; 数据 statistic; 百分比 percentage; ...

7.统计学的 statement 陈述,供词,口供 statistic 统计的, 统计学的 statistics 统计学 ...


1.Therefore the only conclusion one could possibly derive from this statistic impossibipty is that this was a stolen election.因此可以从这一统计学上的不可能性得出的唯一结论是,这是一场被盗的选举。

2.As a statistic tool, TSA has been affirmed and recommended by WTO, but a general mode has not come into being in terms of concrete methods.旅游卫星账户(TSA)作为测算旅游业产业贡献的统计工具,已经得到了世界旅游组织的肯定,但在具体方法上仍然没有形成一个通用的模式。

3.In recent years, the forces of poptical correctness have made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.最近几年,迫于政治正确性的压力,针对这类统计资料做报道已几乎不可能。

4.This statistic might not be very meaningful to a systems administrator, but it could be invaluable to business analysts.这些统计数据对系统管理员的作用不是很大,但它们能够为业务分析员带来巨大的价值。

5.However, a tally of below-zero days is often a rudimentary statistic in comparing the coldness of winter seasons, so it cannot be ignored.然而低于零度的天数往往是比较冬季寒冷程度的一个基本统计数据,所以它并不能被忽略。

6.They will become part of the "employee turnover" statistic you were trying to avoid.这样一来,他们就会变成你竭力想避免的员工流动统计数据的一部分了。

7.Objective To understand psychological state of recuperate chronic schizophrenia patients, Methods Filpng up form and statistic analysis.目的了解慢性养治精神分裂症患者的心理状态,方法按拟定式表格逐一填窝统计。

8.l Support finance department to register the account of packing materials, statistic the vehicle cost of the subcontractor.协助财务部登记包装材料台帐,以及外包车辆费用统计等。

9.Using Q statistic to measure the diversity of a pair of learners, a new selective ensemble learning method for decision tree is proposed.使用Q统计量度量两个学习器的差异度,提出一种新的决策树选择性集成学习方法。

10.Of course, on base percentage isn't the only important statistic to determine the effectiveness of a baseball player.当然,上垒率并不是评判球员能力与贡献的唯一重要数据。