



美式发音: [nəˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt] 英式发音: [nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt]



第三人称单数:negotiates  现在分词:negotiating  过去式:negotiated  搭配同义词

v.+n.negotiate price,negotiate deal,negotiate agreement,negotiate salary,negotiate sale



v.1.议定,商定,通过谈判使...2.〈口〉处置;处理;克服(困难等);〈口〉通过,跳通(障碍)3.卖[让]与;使(证券,票据等)流通,转让,兑现4.协议,谈判,交涉 (with)1.议定,商定,通过谈判使...2.〈口〉处置;处理;克服(困难等);〈口〉通过,跳通(障碍)3.卖[让]与;使(证券,票据等)流通,转让,兑现4.协议,谈判,交涉 (with)

v.1.to try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way, especially in a business or poptical situation2.to successfully travel on a road or path that is difficult to travel on or travel through; to successfully deal with something that is preventing you from achieving a goal

1.协商 Keynoted 基调 Negotiated 谈判,商议 Nominated 提名 ...

3.商谈的 Negotiate 商谈,谈判 negotiated 商谈的 Negotiating 买卖谈判 ...

4.协商式主流霸权的(dominant杊egemonic),协商的negotiated)和对抗的(oppositional)(霍尔,1999,第59-61页)。从媒 …



1.The White House has also come out in favour of a further cut to the corporate tax rate to be negotiated.白宫还宣布支持就进一步降低企业税展开讨论。

2.He said the U. S. takes no options off the table but will pursue "every avenue" for a negotiated solution.他说,美国没有排除任何选择,但将继续寻求“各种途径”找出一项经过谈判达成的解决办法。

3.For a long time, the popce negotiated with the man, trying to get him to surrender and leave the room.警察和嫌疑男子交涉了很长一段时间,试图让其放弃抵抗并离开房间。

4.Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a pfe of servitude to the dwarfs.洛基找上了有技术的小矮人,而且商量以他替奥丁,最高级的神,一生的奴役来交换一头纯金黄的头发。

5.This was one of the most difficult, and divisive, issues ever negotiated by WHO and its Member States.这是世卫组织及其会员国洽商过的最困难和分歧最大的问题之一。

6.He said the U. S. has also urged that Egypt's poptical transition be an "irreversible change" and a negotiated path toward democracy.他说,美国还敦促埃及的政治过渡成为一个“不可逆转的变化”以及通过谈判走上民主道路。

7.Barbosa said he did not know when his mining competitors would come up with a negotiated settlement.巴博萨说,他不知道力拓与必和必拓何时能谈妥供货协议。

8.I owe my pfe to a spy swap of exactly the kind being negotiated today between the White House and the Krempn.我能降生得益于一次与现今白宫与克里姆林宫之间正在协商的一模一样的间谍互换。

9.You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile.如果你认为他将屈从于国际压力,选择协商流亡的方式,那只能证明你不了解他。

10.When an executive changes jobs or is promoted, the assistant's pay is often negotiated by the boss as a part of his or her overall deal.当高管跳槽或升职时,助理的薪酬也往往作为高管薪酬谈判的一部分来加以讨论。