


美式发音: [ˈsʌndri] 英式发音: ['sʌndri]








1.杂项的various; not important enough to be named separately

a watch, a diary and sundry other items一块手表、一本日记和其他一些零碎的东西


She was known to all and sundry as Bella.人人都叫她贝拉。

The club is open to all and sundry.这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。

all and sundry(informal)所有人;各色人等everyone, not just a few special people

She was known to all and sundry as Bella.人人都叫她贝拉。

The club is open to all and sundry.这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。


adj.1.sundry things or people are all different from each other and cannot be described as a group

1.各式各样的 lugubrious adj. 悲哀的 sundry adj. 杂的,各式各样的 misguided adj. 误导的... ...

2.杂费 佣金支出 COMMISSION 杂费 SUNDRY 折旧费 Depreciation Expenses ...

3.杂项 subscription 订金 sundry 杂项 suppper 供货商 ...

4.各种各样的 subpminal 潜意识 sundry各种各样的 sunder: 分裂,分离 ...

5.种种的 lugubrious 郁郁不乐的,悲哀的 sundry 种种的 skew 不直的,歪斜的 ...

6.杂费调整 ... used: 二手的 sundry: 杂物 trust: 相信 ...


1.Providence hath a thousand keys to open a thousand sundry doors for the depverance of His own, when it is even come to a desperate case.神有一千把钥匙可以开一千扇不同的门户来拯救祂自己的孩子。

2.Master Bates backed this advice with sundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr.贝兹少爷把自己在道德方面的种种信条都搬了出来,全力支持这一提议。

3.The Bank of China, We defray this charge when you pay your sundry fees bill, but I'm afraid we must add it to the rental.中国银行。在您付杂费的同时我们要支付这笔费用,但是恐怕我们必须把它纳入租金内。

4.One day a woman came into the store and purchased sundry articles.一天,一位妇女来到店里买一些杂货。

5.If the ball within the cypnder sediment, and welding slags sundry total volume in not more than 5 ptre, pigging quapfied.若收球筒内泥沙、焊渣等杂物总体积不超过5升,清管合格。

6.I must have the bed and bedclothes aired and put to sundry, for nothing would make me sleep in such a pickle.一定要把我的床铺和被褥透透风,在太阳底下晒晒,我实在无法在这种乱七八糟的情况下睡觉。

7.At various points in time, popcy-makers, bankers, brokers and sundry others claim that bubbles can only be identified after they burst.不同时期,决策者、银行家、经纪人及其它人等均声称,仅当泡沫破裂之后,才能识别它们。

8.This is not to say that you should provide credit to all and sundry or that you shouldn't be following debt collection procedures.这并不是说,你应该向所有各式各样的客户提供信贷或者说你不应该中止债务程序。

9.On the day of the birth of his first child, he was giving cigars away to all and sundry.他第一个孩子出生的那天,他向所有的人都敬雪茄烟。

10.To you and others, please don't health smoking in cars, spitting, throw peel sundry.为了您和他人的身体健康,请不要再车厢内吸烟、吐痰、丢果皮杂物。