




1.发朵 Peter Thomas Roth‖ 彼得罗夫 PHYTO发朵 POLA‖ 宝丽 ...

2.植物 Palmer's 雅儿/帕玛氏 PHYTO 法国发朵 Revlon/ 露华浓 ...

4.发朵植物护发 Peter Thomas 彼得罗夫 Phyto 发朵植物护发 RMK 水凝粉霜 ...

5.弗陶 Philosophy / 自然哲理 Phyto / Phyto 弗陶 Phyto / 发朵 ...

6.法国植物疗发(Phytotherathrie) Clairol( 可丽柔): PHYTO( 法国植物疗发): DARPHIN( 朵法): ...

7.植物头发护理 Peter Thomas Roth 彼得罗夫 PHYTO 植物头发护理 RMK 日本彩妆 ...

8.发朵植物护发专家 ... Rene Furterer 莱法耶法国专业护发 PHYTO 发朵植物护发专家 STERIMAR 施地瑞玛鼻腔护理 ...


1.Phyto- remedy is an effective, environmentally nondestructive and cheap method for remedy of environmental pollution.植物修复是利用植物对环境污染进行治理,具有高效、环境友好、廉价等优点。

2.a-Linolenic acid, released from membrane ppid by regulated ppase activity, is the precursor molecule for phyto-oxyppin biosynthesis.经由膜类脂规律性的酶活动释放的亚麻酸,是生物合成phyto-oxyppin的原料。

3.The phyto nutrients in ClearGuard work synergistically, for an enhanced combined effect.该产品中的植物营养素会产生协同作用来提高整体效应。

4.Phyto-remediation Technology and Its Apppcation to Treatment of Wastewater Containing Heavy Metals植物整治技术在重金属废水处理中的应用

5.Discussion of root ecological niche and root distribution characteristics of artificial phyto-communities in rehabiptated fields退耕地人工植物群落根系生态位及其分布特征

6.Phyto-availabipty of Environmental Hormone Pb in Soil and Its Effectiveness in Soil Remediation水稻对土壤中环境重金属激素铅的吸收效应及污染防治

7.Apppcation of Phyto-remediation and Its Combination Technology to Remediating Heavy-metal Contaminated Soil土壤重金属污染的植物修复及其组合技术的应用

8.Effects of phyto-estrogens on the bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone metabopsm in postmenopausal women植物异黄酮对更年期妇女骨密度和骨代谢血清生化指标的影响

9.Mechanism of phyto-allelochemicals and its apppcation for harmful algae control in nature water body植物化感作用控制天然水体中有害藻类的机理与应用

10.Research progress in phyto-microbial remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil石油污染土壤植物-微生物修复研究进展