


美式发音: [skʌlpt] 英式发音: [skʌlpt]



第三人称单数:sculpts  现在分词:sculpting  过去式:sculpted  同义词




1.雕刻;雕塑to make figures or objects by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay , metal, etc.

a display of animals sculpted in ice冰雕动物展

The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble.这些雕像都是用整块大理石雕成的。

2.~ sth使具有某种形状to give sth a particular shape

a coastpne sculpted by the wind and sea在风和海水的作用下形成的海岸线


v.1.to make a sopd object as a work of art by shaping a substance such as wood, stone, or metal2.to change the shape of something such as rock by a gradual natural process; to change the shape of your body so that you have a lot of muscles

1.雕刻 sculptor n. 雕刻家 sculpt v. 雕刻, 造型 mistaken adj. 错误的 ...

2.造型 sculptor n. 雕刻家 sculpt v. 雕刻, 造型 mistaken adj. 错误的 ...

3.造型变形 Lattice 旋转变形 Sculpt 造型变形 Wire 网格化变形 ...

4.雕塑 sculptor 雕刻家 sculpt 雕刻;雕塑 a display of animals sculpted in ice 冰雕动物展 ...

5.雕塑变形 ... Jiggle[ 抖动变形] 232 Sculpt雕塑变形] 235 Wire[ 线变形] 242 ...

6.曲线雕塑 ... Sculpt 肌力雕塑飞轮 Sculpt 曲线雕塑 Body Pump 杠铃有氧 ...

7.雕塑变形器 ... 9.13 Scatter( 撒播) 140 9.14 Sculpt塑形) 141 9.15 Shatter( 砸碎) 142 ...


1.These giant curvaceous shapes looks as if been carved out by water. But instead, they've been sculpt by a different fluid motion, the wind.巨大的曲线形状彷佛由水雕刻而成。其实,雕刻师是另一种液体运动,风。

2.Four tons of ice were used to sculpt two three-meter statues of aman and a woman holding a baby.人们把四吨冰雕刻成两座三米高的雕像—一个男人和一个女人抱着一个孩子。

3.To get a more precise final result before casting the shape, I covered the foam in clay so that I could sculpt the last adjustments.在铸造形状之前,为了得到更准确的结果,我把泡沫上覆满了粘土,这样我就能做最后的调整了。

4.Willard enters a meditative state in which his heartbeat is slowed, allowing him to reduce hand tremors and sculpt between pulse beats.威拉德在创作时接近于冥想状态,脉搏减慢,这使他可以减少手颤,并在心跳间隙进行雕刻。

5.I've ever get time to sculpt a bust of my fat IT or to burnish it.我甚至花具体时间雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。

6.He encouraged Rodin to draw and sculpt in order to revive him from his saddened mental state.他鼓励罗丹绘画和雕塑,以恢复他从他难过的精神状态。

7.McHugh has had his art exhibited in many galleries in the U. K. , and obviously continues to sculpt, write and draw.麦克休在英国的许多画廊展出自己的艺术作品,当然还继续雕塑、写作和绘画。

8.To sculpt the the hair, I added 3 subdivision levels and used the SnakeHook brush to pull softly the vertices from the surface.为了雕刻头发,我细分了3级然后用SnakeHook笔刷轻轻的从表面的顶点拉。

9.Through the relation of sopd constitution and garniture sculpt, this paper clarify that sopd constitution impact to the garniture sculpt.此文通过立体构成与服装造型设计上的关系,阐明立体构成对服装造型设计的影响与作用。

10.The ebb and flow of tides help sculpt an array of landforms on coasts worldwide, including spits, barrier islands, and dunes.潮汐的涨落在全球海岸雕塑成为一系列的地形,包括沙嘴、屏障岛屿和沙滩。