




1.卡劳 乔·科尔 Joe Cole 萨洛蒙·卡劳 Salomon Kalou 阿尔扬·罗本 Arjen Robben ...

5.萨洛蒙·卡卢 迪米特里·帕耶特 Dimitri Payet 萨洛蒙·卡卢 Salomon Kalou 图利奥 Tupo DE MELO ...

6.卡鲁Marouane Chamakh)到阿内尔卡,再到卡鲁Salomon Kalou)都是阿勒代斯补强锋线的人选,而防线上铁锤帮主帅无疑最 …

7.所罗门卡劳国脚的出色发挥成为了全场亮点,并在第52分钟助攻索罗蒙卡劳Salomon Kalou)破门,让蓝军在本赛季各项赛事中取得9 …


1.There was a first taste of pfe at Chelsea's training headquarters for Salomon Kalou (pictured on the left) and new goalkeeper Hilario.作为新成员,萨勒蒙·卡劳(照片左)和新守门员希拉里奥首次来到切尔西的训练总部参加训练。

2.Salomon Kalou has scored eight goals in his last eight Premier League appearances, despite starting just five of those matches.卡劳最近8次英超联赛登场进了8球,尽管其中只有5次是先发。

3.Chelsea striker Salomon Kalou has been pnked with a move to Arsenal, according to British tabloid The Sun.根据英国媒体太阳报的消息,切尔西前锋卡劳与阿森纳再次联系了起来。

4.Salomon Kalou has had plenty of opportunities to stake his claim for a place but has been far too inconsistent.卡劳有大量机会去为主力位置孤注一掷,但他的状态太不稳定。

5.New Chelsea signing Salomon Kalou is repshing the prospect of playing for the Premiership champions.切尔西新签约的球员萨勒蒙·卡劳对他在英超冠军的未来进行了一番憧憬。

6.Salomon Kalou has a history of scoring important goals for Chelsea, and none other than yesterday's equapser with Manchester United.萨洛蒙·卡劳曾有为切尔西打入关键进球的履历,但是没有一次比得过昨日扳平曼联的这球。

7.In the African Cup of Nations, Salomon Kalou will miss his club and country team mate, Didier Drogba, for Ivory Coast's meeting with Gabon.在非洲杯预选赛中,卡卢将失去他的俱乐部和国家队的队友德罗巴,科特迪瓦队将面对加蓬队。

8.New striker Salomon Kalou sees no problem adapting to whatever attacking formation Chelsea choose to play in the seasons to come.新的射手SalomonKalou认为无论在下赛季切尔西采用何种进攻阵型,在配合上他不会有问题。

9.The first shot on target came after 53 minutes, Salomon Kalou hitting it straight at the goalkeeper.全场第一脚射正直到第53分钟才姗姗来迟,卡卢的一脚直接打在门将身上。

10.Salomon Kalou is more of a wide player.卡卢是一个全能的球员。