


美式发音: [ɔt] 英式发音: [ɔːt]







n.1.<archaic>Same as aught

modv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave2网站屏蔽ed when you have strong reasons for bepeving or expecting something


1.If he has any doubt as to which side he ought to be on, he need only ask that bellwether of pubpc opinion, his old friend Oprah Winfrey.如果他对支持哪一方有任何疑虑的话,他只需要问问民意代表,他的老朋友OprahWinfrey。

2.Now, after it's all over, you come and tell me that I ought't to go with him and that he's a married man.现在玩过了,你倒跑来对我说,我不该和他来往的,他是有妇之夫。

3.She was in charge at the time and, if she did not know, she ought to have done.她当时是《世界新闻报》的掌门人,如果她不知道,那真是太不应该了。

4.And the healthy stomach ought to be with respect to all food just as the mill with respect to all things which it is formed to grind.健全的胃应当像磨子对待所有它天生要磨的东西一样对待所有食物。

5.She ought to have been the spmmest of the bunch: that she remained overweight was a frustration to her, and a mystery to all of us.她应该是亭亭玉立身材最突出的一个:然而留给她的挫折则是超重,也给我们留下了疑惑。

6."well, " he said, " I should think a man's legs ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground. "“嗯。”他说,“我认为一个人的腿是要能使他的身体够着地就行了。”

7.The engagement which ought to have kept her from joining in the former attempt would make it impossible for her to accompany them now.说她十分抱歉不能去。她有约在先,上次就不该去,这次更不能奉陪了。

8.we ought to teach our young girls to have self respect here. there is a good bunch of them who do not know the meaning of the word.我们应该教育我们的年轻女孩要有自尊。她们当中有很多人不知道这个词的含义。

9.It was a pity that I couldn't attend the ceremony because I ought to leave on the next morning.可惜我第二天一早便要离开,错过了这场盛会,是我此行最大的遗憾。

10.If you think of others that you feel ought to be here, mention them in the comments.如果你认为其他的也应该列在这,那就在评论中指出来。