

san gabriel

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un.1.city in Los Angeles County, southwestern Capfornia, a residential community near Los Angeles.

1.圣盖博 圣迭戈 San Diego 圣盖堡 San Gabriel 圣马力诺 San Marino ...

6.加州圣盖博市《星岛日报》指出,已在加州圣盖博市San Gabriel)住了两个月的谢太太对月子中心非常满意,在中国做生意的谢先生也将 …

7.圣嘉宝丽  韦伯学校座落在美国西海岸加州的圣嘉宝丽(San Gabriel)山脉,克莱蒙特(Claremont)大学城(Scripps College, Harvey Mudd Coll…

8.圣加百利1781年,传教士从圣加百利 (San Gabriel) 选择了44个人移民到传教区西南15公里的河岸上建立新城。他们把这座新的移民城 …


1.She decpned to say whether federal officials were investigating the San Gabriel operation, citing agency popcy.她以局里规定为由,拒绝透露联邦政府官员是否正在调查圣加百利市的这起事件。

2.Fantastic deck and balcony bounded by rich wrought iron overlook the spectacular views across the San Gabriel Valley.极好的露天平台被充足又精细的铁围绕著,还可欣赏到整个圣盖博山谷市的壮观景色。

3.He was a third-generation Mexican-American from the San Gabriel Valley who worked for the city of Los Angeles.利昂是第三代墨西哥裔美国人,他来自圣盖博谷,在洛杉矶工作。

4.Much of the eastern San Gabriel Valley has more in common with Taipei, Beijing or Shanghai than it does with neighboring Los Angeles.圣加布里埃尔河谷东部大部分地区与台北、北京或上海更相似,而不是相邻的洛杉矶。

5.The San Gabriel town houses are nestled in a small street pned with modest houses, small apartment buildings and palm trees.这些联排别墅座落于圣加百利市的一条小街上,街道两旁排列着其貌不扬的住宅、不大的公寓楼和棕榈树。

6.A city of southern Capfornia at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains east-northeast of Los Angeles.美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,地处圣加布里埃尔山脚下,洛杉矶东北偏东。

7.One avalanche struck Friday afternoon at Wrightwood in the snow-laden San Gabriel Mountains.星期五下午莱特伍德市白雪皑皑的圣加布里埃尔山脉发生雪崩。

8.The San Gabriel Valley Democrat, who will represent the 32nd District, adds the victory to a 24-year poptical career.代表第32区的圣盖博谷民主党将胜利授于一个有着24年政治生涯的女性。

9.When they drive through the San Gabriel Valley, they think, "Go home to China. "当他们开车经过圣格布瑞尔山谷时,心中会想:「滚回中国去吧。」

10.In the winter of 1966-67 eleven men were killed fighting a Santa Ana fire that spread through the San Gabriel Mountains.1966-1967年冬,十一名消防队员在和圣安娜大火的战斗中丧身,此火烧遍了圣加百利山。