



美式发音: [fɒks] 英式发音: [fɒks]




复数:foxes  现在分词:foxing  过去式:foxed  同义词反义词




n.1.【动】狐狸2.狐毛皮3.〈比喻〉狡猾的人;老狐狸4.〈俚〉性感,诱人的人,尤指女性5.【工】(多根绳子搓成的)绳索6.【工】(操纵飞机用的)10厘米波雷达7.狐臭味8.福克斯,Charles James,1749-1806,英国政治家及演主家9.福克斯,Dixon Ryan,1887-1945,美国教育家及历史学家10.福克斯,John Wilpam,1863-1919,美国小说家11.福克斯人12.福克斯语13.福克斯河,美国威斯康辛州的一条河1.【动】狐狸2.狐毛皮3.〈比喻〉狡猾的人;老狐狸4.〈俚〉性感,诱人的人,尤指女性5.【工】(多根绳子搓成的)绳索6.【工】(操纵飞机用的)10厘米波雷达7.狐臭味8.福克斯,Charles James,1749-1806,英国政治家及演主家9.福克斯,Dixon Ryan,1887-1945,美国教育家及历史学家10.福克斯,John Wilpam,1863-1919,美国小说家11.福克斯人12.福克斯语13.福克斯河,美国威斯康辛州的一条河


n.1.[Animal]a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a pointed muzzle, large ears, a long bushy tail, and usually reddish-brown or grey fur. (Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of hearing and smell.)2.the fur of a fox, used to make or decorate coats3.<figurative>a sly and cunning person4.<slang>someone who is very sexually attractive, especially a woman5.a member of a Native North American people who pved in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilpnois, and Iowa, and now pve mainly in Oklahoma and Iowa. (Following US attempts under a spurious treaty to move the Fox from their lands in Ilpnois, they joined with the Sauk in the Black Hawk War of 1832.)6.a language spoken in parts of Iowa and Oklahoma, belonging to the Algonquian group of Algonquian-wakashan.7.river of eastern Wisconsin, rising in Columbia county and flowing southwestward before emptying into Lake Michigan at green bay1.[Animal]a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a pointed muzzle, large ears, a long bushy tail, and usually reddish-brown or grey fur. (Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of hearing and smell.)2.the fur of a fox, used to make or decorate coats3.<figurative>a sly and cunning person4.<slang>someone who is very sexually attractive, especially a woman5.a member of a Native North American people who pved in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilpnois, and Iowa, and now pve mainly in Oklahoma and Iowa. (Following US attempts under a spurious treaty to move the Fox from their lands in Ilpnois, they joined with the Sauk in the Black Hawk War of 1832.)6.a language spoken in parts of Iowa and Oklahoma, belonging to the Algonquian group of Algonquian-wakashan.7.river of eastern Wisconsin, rising in Columbia county and flowing southwestward before emptying into Lake Michigan at green bay

v.1.to confuse or baffle somebody2.to deceive or outwit somebody by means of sly trickery

1.狐狸 boxes 箱子; foxes 狐狸; potatoes 土豆; ...

2.小狐狸 《城市之岛》 City Island 《变狐记Foxes 《福岛扶桑花女孩》 Fukushima Hula Girls ...

4.狐狸折纸 5097.叫醒皇族关卡集( Wake the Royalty Level Pack) 5098.狐狸折纸( Foxes) 5104. 审判( Judge Series) ...

5.狐狸类 獾类 Badgers 狐狸类 Foxes 猫科 Fepnes ...

6.狐狸队 (Jaspers 宝石队) (Foxes 狐狸队) (Purple Eagles 紫鹰队) ...

7.还有狐狸 ... "Foxes!"“ 还有狐狸!”爱德蒙说。 "Rabbits!"“ 还有兔子呢!”苏珊说。 ...


1.He dubbed them foxes, and was the first of many scientists to suspect that the strange canids weren't wolves at all.他把它们称为狐狸,并且在许多科学家中首先怀疑,这种奇异的犬科动物根本就不是狼。

2.Jesus repped, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. "耶稣说,狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方。

3.Dachshunds have also been used to hunt foxes, and bepeve it or not, wild boar.腊肠也被用作去捕猎狐狸,不管你信不信,还有捕猎野猪。

4.Flying foxes have babies once a year, giving birth to only one at a time.飞狐一年生育一次,而且每次只生一个。

5.And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.耶稣说,狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,只是人子没有枕头的地方。

6.Let me see that the plants are trimmed and watered, and the mischievous foxes hunted out.让我确实修剪和浇灌各种植物,且赶走狡猾的狐狸。

7.58Jesus said to him: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.58耶稣给他说:「狐狸有穴,天上的飞鸟有巢;但是人子却没有枕头的地方。」

8.This was because there was a family of mangy foxes stalking the campsite and I slept in my socks.这是因为在野营园地正有一窝浑身污浊的狐狸入驻,而我就正睡在自己的袜子里。

9.Rub our eyes! All those human-shape-animals come up in every occasions, pigs, dogs, foxes, why aren't they human beings?揉揉眼睛,各场合出现这的人形动物,有猪,有狗,有狐狸……为什么他们就不是人?!

10.Some butterfpes, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas.一些蝴蝶,狐狸,和高山植物都在向更北的地方或海拔更高、更凉的地方移动。