




1.自然课 computer class 电脑课 science class 自然课 music class 音乐课 ...

2.科学课 电脑 computer 科学课 science class 数学课 math class ...

3.理科班 Arts class 文科班 Science class 理科班 3 .学校设施 学校设施 Campus 校园 ...

4.然科学试验班 儿童唱歌( Music Class) 自 然科学试验班( Science Class) 地点 Location:Club House 1113 Reed Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 ...

5.理科课程 ... 教室地址 Address & Map 理科课程 Science Class 教学理念 Teaching Bepefs ...

6.自然科学课 topic38 The Schoolyard 校园 1.science class 自然科学课 2.music class 音乐课 ...


1.Then Brittany told me during science class that she had put him up to it.后来在自然课上,布里塔尼告诉我,是她唆使那个人邀请我的。

2.A "lab partner" is someone in school who works with you in a laboratory, usually as part of a science class.“labpartner”是学校里实验室和你搭档的人,通常是科学课的一员。

3.Weighing on his decision to leave Harvard, as he told Forbes in 2006, was a talk Mr Gates gave in 2004 to his computer science class.扎克博格2006年告诉《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志,促使他决定离开哈佛的,是盖茨2004年在他电脑科学班上的一次讲话。

4.But why pick on evolution in the fi rst place when there's so much to be offended by in virtually any science class?但实际上在任何科学课上有这么多东西可以被反对,为什么单独来攻击进化论呢?

5.but you might not know it until you do your project for your science class.但你可能要在完成科学课的实验后才会发现自己的才华。

6.The Friday afternoon computer science class at Berea College looks much pke similar classes on campuses all over America.星期五下午,伯里亚学院的一堂计算机课看上去和美国各地大学的课堂一样。

7.Going through school we are taught to question things, at least in science class.在学校里,至少在科学课上,我们学会对事物提出质疑。

8.Welcome to science class. So good to see you guys today.欢迎来到科学课,今天很高兴见到你们。

9.Today, nearly half of junior-high school students surveyed by the Ministry of Education said they dispke or hate science class.今天,据日本文部省的调查显示,几乎有一半初高中学生说自己不喜欢或讨厌理科课程。

10.I prefer to see some history books and some science class book! !我比较喜欢看一些历史的书和一些科学类的书!!