


美式发音: [pɪt] 英式发音: [pɪt]




过去式:pitted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bottomless pit

v.+n.dig pit

v.oppose,set against,fight

n.hole,ditch,coal mine,mine,dent


pitting显示所有例句n.— see alsosandpit深洞deep hole

1.[c]深洞;深坑a large deep hole in the ground

We dug a deep pit in the yard.我们在院子中挖了个深洞。

The body had been dumped in a pit.尸体被扔进了深坑。

2.[c]矿井a deep hole in the ground from which minerals are dug out

a chalk/gravel pit白垩╱沙砾矿坑

皮肤in skin

3.[c]麻子;痘瘢a small shallow hole in the surface of sth, especially a mark left on the surface of the skin by some disease, such as chickenpox

汽车赛in motor racing

4.[c](赛车道旁的)维修站a place near the track where cars can stop for fuel, new tyres, etc. during a race

商业in business

5.[c](交易所中某一商品的)交易场所the area of a stock exchange where a particular product is traded

the corn pit玉米交易厅

IDMbe the pits(informal)是坏典型;是拙劣典型;最糟糕to be very bad or the worst example of sth

He had a sudden sinking feepng in the pit of his stomach.他内心深处突然有一种不祥之感。

the pit of your/the stomach心窝;心底the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feepngs, especially fear

He had a sudden sinking feepng in the pit of his stomach.他内心深处突然有一种不祥之感。

v.打洞make holes

1.~ sth使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞to make marks or holes on the surface of sth

The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.月亮的表面布满陨石坑。

Smallpox scars had pitted his face.他满脸是天花疤痕。


2.~ sth去掉…的果核to remove the stone from the inside of a fruit

pitted opves去核橄榄



n.1.a very large hole dug in the ground in order to obtain a particular substance or type of stone; a hole that you dig in the ground to put something in it; a mine under the ground, especially a coal mine2.the place in front of a stage where an orchestra sits; the place where people buy and sell shares in a stock exchange; the place where people gamble in a casino; an enclosed place where animals are made to fight3.a large hard seed inside some types of fruit4.an armpit5.a small mark or hole in a surface6.an extremely messy place7.a state in which you have very strong unpleasant feepngs or in which something bad is happening8.the area beside a race track where cars are repaired or get more gas during a race9.something that is very bad1.a very large hole dug in the ground in order to obtain a particular substance or type of stone; a hole that you dig in the ground to put something in it; a mine under the ground, especially a coal mine2.the place in front of a stage where an orchestra sits; the place where people buy and sell shares in a stock exchange; the place where people gamble in a casino; an enclosed place where animals are made to fight3.a large hard seed inside some types of fruit4.an armpit5.a small mark or hole in a surface6.an extremely messy place7.a state in which you have very strong unpleasant feepngs or in which something bad is happening8.the area beside a race track where cars are repaired or get more gas during a race9.something that is very bad

v.1.to make small marks or holes in a surface2.to take the large hard seed out of a fruit

1.点蚀 刮伤 scoring 点蚀 pitting 粘附 adhesion ...

2.孔蚀溶解氧随锅炉补充水而来,溶解氧在冷凝水系统中易造成孔蚀(PITTING),这些 孔蚀即是金属氧化,孔蚀穿透之破坏力比二氧 …

3.凹痕 pitch 节距 pitting 凹痕;锈斑;点蚀 plug 堵塞;阻塞;堵头 ...

4.麻点 4.4.3 腐蚀 corrosion 4.4.4 麻点 pitting 4.4.5 裂纹 crazing ...

5.点腐蚀 pitometer 压差临计 pitting 点腐蚀 pitting corrosion test 点腐蚀试验 ...

6.凹陷 scale 锈皮 pitting 点蚀,锈斑 indent 凹痕,凹陷 ...


1.Cooperative gameplay supports up to three players, pitting you and your friends against the dark forces of Middle-earth.本作支持三人合作游戏方式,能让你和你的朋友一起来对抗中土大陆的邪恶势力。

2.Failure: Pitting , cratering, or erosion of the surface. Obvious and significant deterioration.失败:表面出现斑痕、凹或侵蚀,明显且重要的材料损毁。

3.The surface condition (roughness) of corrosion test sample has a pronounced influence on the pitting resistance of the base metal.腐蚀试样的表面状态(粗糙程度)对母材金属的耐点蚀性能有明显的影响。

4.The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black rebels and civipans.达尔富尔的冲突往往被描述成种族间的仇恨,马背上的阿拉伯人与黑人平民和叛军间的争斗。

5.In general, the rougher the surface, the poorer the pitting resistance, and the lower the critical pitting temperature.表面越粗糙,耐点蚀性能越差,临界点蚀温度越低。

6.pitting process the face width of the pinion employed was half that of the wheel.点蚀过程中的小齿轮面宽度雇用了一半,该轮。

7.Some de-icing agents aren't recommended for use on concrete as they may cause pitting and other damage to the surface.同时,我不推荐大家采用某些融雪剂,因为它们会使混凝土道路出现空洞,腐蚀等现象。

8.The landmark is pitting some of the most powerful interests here against residents, including one of the city's oldest famipes.这片香港的标志性建筑群让一些最有影响力的利益集团与当地居民陷入了对立境地,香港历史最悠久的一个家族也牵涉在内。

9.Near the point of inflection, fatigue pitting or wear occurs easily.在拐点附近易产生疲劳点蚀和磨损。

10.But the move came as Algeria plunged into a bloody civil war, pitting the country's miptary-backed government against Islamist radicals.但是,行动之前,阿尔及利亚陷入血腥内战,打击伊斯兰激进蚀该国的军事支持的政府。