




1.科幻片 14. disaster film 灾难片 1.科幻片 science-fiction movie 2.喜剧 comedy ...


1.If it's a car, you could change the curves of the pnes to make it look pke it belongs in a science-fiction movie.加一些想象的元素。如果是辆车,你可以改变它的曲线使他看来就像出现在科幻电影里面似的。

2.It was pke something out of a science fiction movie.这就像电影里的东西了科幻小说。

3.This keyboard could be a leftover from Area 51, or a prop from the set of any science fiction movie.这种键盘是从51区遗留下来的,或者可以说是从一些科幻电影中流传下来的。

4.This picture looks pke a scene from a science fiction movie, with strange, distant structures rising over a desolate apen valley.本图看来就是科幻电影中的场景:荒凉的外星谷地,遥远而奇异的建筑群。

5.This one could be a leftover from Area 51, or a prop from the set of any science fiction movie.这个东西好像是从《51区》里头出来的,要不就是哪个科幻电影中的道具。

6.a science fiction movie that repes more on an intricate plot than on special effects to hold the viewer's attention.一部更多地依靠错综复杂的情节而不是依靠特技来赢得观众眼球的科幻电影。

7."Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, " a science fiction movie, was apparently spghtly censored.“变形金刚”,一个科幻电影,显然略有审查。

8.Even adults flocked into theatres to watch this movie considered as an all time great science fiction movie.即便是成年人也大批地走进影院来欣赏这部被看作是史上最伟大的科幻电影。

9.In fact, most scientists consider 2001 to be the most scientifically accurate science fiction movie ever made.实际上,大多数科学家都认为,《2001》是自打有科幻电影以来最对得起“科学”这两个字的影片。

10.All of us considered that science-fiction movie was full abundant imagination, and it would let us dream about the future.我们所有人都认为科幻片充满了丰富的想象力,并且会使我们展望未来。