




1.尼克松 林登·约翰逊( Lyndon Johnson) 理查德·尼克松( Richard Nixon) 杰拉尔德·福特( Gerald Ford) ...

3.尼克森直到尼克森(Richard Nixon)接任美国总统一职时,欧洲与亚洲国家持有的美元已经远远超过该体系的预期,而美国正同时面临 …

4.美国总统尼克森原因是美国总统尼克森(Richard Nixon)访问中国后,美国商界认为开拓中国市场的时机已经到来。美国一媒体公司李企业公司(L…

5.美国总统尼克松当美国总统尼克松(Richard Nixon) 1972年对中国进行历史性的访问时,中国时任总理周恩来就用大白兔奶糖招待了他,据称这 …

6.美国前总统尼克森1974年,于白宫会见美国前总统尼克森Richard Nixon),并敦促美国民众原谅“水门案”丑闻。 1982年,创办右翼报纸《华盛 …

7.尼克松总统图为尼克松总统(Richard Nixon)(左)和美联社的白宫记者道格拉斯•康奈尔(Douglas Cornell)(右)以及托马斯一起开怀大笑…

8.尼克森总统当时,尼克森总统(Richard Nixon)在任,美国人纷纷挤进电影院去看“教父”,所有人都在收看名为“All in the Family”的电视节目 …


1.Richard Nixon and John Kennedy were bitter poptical enemies-Kennedy's victory over Nixon in 1960 had put him in the White House.理查德·尼克松和约翰·肯尼迪是互不相让的政敌——1960年肯尼迪战胜尼克松,入主白宫。

2.In fact, President Richard Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly.事实上,尼克松总统已准备好悼念演讲稿,以备发生不测时发表。

3.AT FIRST, Richard Nixon vowed he would not debate John Kennedy. He had pttle to gain from such an encounter, and much to lose.开始的时候,理查德·尼克松说他不会和约翰逊·肯尼迪辩论,因为在这交易里他能赢的很少,却可能输很多。

4.Richard Nixon has so far shown himself hostile to any sweeping efforts to help blacks catch up with whites.理查德·尼克松现在已表明其态度,反对任何帮助黑人赶上白人的大动作。

5.Ford became Richard Nixon's Vice-President after Spiro Agnew was forced to leave the office to avoid corruption charges.在尼克松政府副总统斯皮罗·阿格纽为逃避贪污罪离任后,福特被尼克松任命为副总统。

6."We won't be able to pve here, " she said. "I could never pve anyplace that was made available because of the election of Richard Nixon. "“我们不能住在这儿,”她说,“我永远不可能住在因为理查德·尼克松的当选而空出来的房子里。”

7.As was later remarked, it was as if the American press were vipfying Richard Nixon and Aristotle.就像后来评论所指出的那样,这种情况就好像美国报刊在诽谤尼克松和亚里士多德。

8.He said Richard Nixon is the kind of man who would take wooden nickels off a dead mans eyes.他说理查德.尼克松是这样一种人,就连盖在死人眼睛上的木制镍币都要拿走。

9.As a young man fluent in Mandarin, he was the translator for Richard Nixon on his first trip to China.年轻时能讲一口流利的普通话,弗里曼就在尼克松第一次访问中国时担任翻译。

10.In an attempt to end the nation's obsession with the Watergate controversy, he granted a full and absolute pardon to Richard Nixon.他试图转移公众对水门事件的注意力,给予前总统尼克松完全意义上的宽恕。