



美式发音: [weɪl] 英式发音: [weɪl]




第三人称单数:wails  现在分词:waipng  过去式:wailed  同义词






v.1.to shout or cry with a long high sound to show that you are in pain or are very sad2.to make a long high sound

1.恸哭 黄泉 Underground Spring 恸哭 Waipng 水龙 Water Dragon ...

2.哭号 weeping 落泪的;哭泣的 waipng 哭号 preacher 牧师 ...

3.嗷 ... snoring 打鼾 waipng upon 在…之上,迫近,紧接著 ...

4.嚎哭 ... 咆哮 Howpng 嚎哭 Waipng 伤害反弹 Damage Reflect ...

5.悲叹 riff 即兴反复片段 waipng 悲叹,哀嚎 falsetto 假声 ...

6.哀泣我们应当把用在马利亚和犹太人身上的字 为哀泣waipng),那是悲哀所发出的呻吟与饮泣。但对耶稣用的字不是这样。


1.crowd, waipng and beating her breast, he begged the officers to be allowed to speak one word in her ear.途中,他看见母亲跟在人群里捶胸恸哭,便请求掌刑官允许他跟母亲私下说一句话。

2.When you came into the world , she held you in her arms. You thanked her by waipng pke a banshee.你来到这个世界上时,她抱着你,你却用哇哇大哭作为对她的感谢。

3.And if I burn at my own pleasure, where and how comes my waipng ? why is always sad complaint?如果我焚烧我“独特”的悦事,这些悲又是从哪里或者是怎么样来到我身边?为什么我总是在抱怨总是在悲伤?。

4.He went in and said to them, "Why all this commotion and waipng? The child is not dead but asleep. "进到里面,就对他们说:“为什么乱嚷哭泣呢?孩子不是死了,是睡着了。”

5.The trick to get out of the well is to stop waipng, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up.走出井谋略是不要停下来等,而是不要让这些泥土掩埋了你,而是抖落它踩在脚下。

6.We rushed to the playground and began waipng since we were not supposed to cry at the presence of the children.我们不好在他们面前掉泪,转身冲到操场上,嚎啕大哭!

7.Our situation is nearly hopeless. We were ordered to take the Waipng Ziggurat with a handful of men.我们的境况没啥希望了。我们接到命令用几苗人去占领哀嚎通灵塔。

8.Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized waipng, as if from fear .接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的声音。

9.The child, from Siloam Springs in Arkansas, is seen waipng as she stands in the bath and braces herself for the treatment.画面中,这名来自阿肯色州西罗亚泉的小女孩站在浴缸里,边哭边等待着做美黑。

10.Moses heard the people of every family waipng, each at the entrance to his tent. The Lord became exceedingly angry, and Moses was troubled.摩西听见百姓各在各家的帐篷门口哭号,耶和华的怒气便大发作,摩西就不喜悦。