



美式发音: [ˈfaɪbər] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪbə(r)]



复数:fibres  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dietary fibre,optical fibre,acrypc fibre,high fibre,cellulosic fibre






na.1.The variant of fiber

1.纤维 清新,而且轻松 Fresh and relaxed 纤维 FIBRES 色彩 COLOURS ...

2.丙纶化纤类 Non-wowen textiles 非纺织纤维类 Fibres 丙纶化纤类 Flat Film 薄膜类 ...

3.纤维制品 ... 18. An obbpgato accompaniment. 助奏必需的伴奏 19. Staple goods,fibres 必需商品,纤维制品 ...

4.肌纤维 在特殊组织化学染色下 可区分出红 肌与白 肌两种肌纤维(Fibres) 相较...

5.多种纤维 ... 酵素 Enzymes 多种纤维 Fibres 蔬菜粹取 secondary plant substance ...



1.The present invention relates to a process for the production of mineral fibres and to an apparatus which can be used in such a process.本发明涉及一种生产矿物纤维的方法以及能用于该方法中的设备。

2.Researchers have been able to produce cotton fibres capable of detecting blood and of signalpng its presence electrically.研究者们已经制造出可以检测出血并且将现有状况的具体信息用电来发送的棉纤维。

3.And once the fibres can be made small enough to be woven into clothing, they could also function as a wearable microphone.当这种纤维有朝一日能进一步“细化”可以被织进衣服时,它们就成了可以穿的麦克风啦!

4.Over a period of two or three weeks, these fibres meld together to form thin, wet sheets of cellulose that toughen as they are dried out.经过2~3个星期,这些纤维素细丝相互形成薄薄的潮湿的一层纤维素垫子,当它们干燥的视乎就会变得非常坚韧。

5.They found that wearing a pair of shoes shortened fibres in their calve muscles as the heel of the foot was elevated.他们发现穿着一双根部很高的鞋会缩短他们小腿肌肉中的纤维。

6.The Company, which repes extensively on synthetic fibres in its product pne, has responded positively to this drive.那些在工业生产线中主要依靠人造纤维的公司,已经用积极的姿态回应了这次的教训。

7.The implants developed by the project will pkely be composed of electrodes or optical fibres, and will sit on the surface of the brain.这个项目开发的植入物很可能由电极或光纤组成,并安置在脑表面。

8.The paper may be depciously thick, with ragged edges and a surface capillaries with tiny fibres of the rags that made it.这张纸也许质地厚实,纹理美观,边缘参差不齐,纸面隐约透出细小的纤维。

9.This allowed the nanotubes to cover individual cotton strands and to adhere strongly to the surface of the cellulose fibres in the strands.这样做是为了确保纳米管分子覆盖到每一根棉线上并且和每一根棉线表面的纤维紧密地黏附着。

10.The brain works pke an electrical circuit, sending impulses along nerve fibres in the same way that current is sent through wires.大脑的工作有如电路的电流通过导线输出,它的脉冲是沿神经纤维发出。