




1.安全官 ... - 安全管理领导者( Security directors) - 安全官( Security officers) - 安全顾问( Security consultants) ...

2.保全人员 1、Database Administrators- 数据库管理 2、Security Officers- 安全办公室(瞎翻) 3、Network Administrators 网络管理 ...


1.The colleague, Wang Shutang, says the security officers became angry and continued to beat Wei, even after he gave up his phone.这位姓王的同事说,城管人员见状发怒,即使在魏文华交出手机后他们仍继续殴打他。

2.Security officers at railroad companies began to ward off rail fans, fearing that they might be a terrorism threat.铁路公司的保安人员开始驱赶铁道迷,担心他们是一个恐怖主义威胁。

3.She would banter with her WSOs (woman security officers) and correct their Engpsh grammar and pronunciation in a friendly and cheerful way.她同她的女性保安人员谈笑,并以友善和开朗的方式纠正她们的英文文法和发音。

4.Just a month later, in November 2008, Beijing pubpc security officers detained Mr. Huang on suspicion of "economic crimes. "然而仅仅1个月后,也就是2008年11月,北京市公安局以涉嫌经济犯罪为名拘留了黄光裕。

5.It is a Sisyphean mission, and a dangerous one: the system encourages security officers to abduct and punish the petitioners.这是个永远走不到头的使命,也是个危险的使命:体系怂恿安保人员劫持并惩罚上访者。

6.Security officers patrolled, but they were able to avoid being stopped.到处都有卫队在巡逻,可他们能避免被扣留讯问。

7.But an honest passenger had already handed the valuables to a conductor, who returned them to security officers at Cologne station.那时候,一位诚实的乘客早已把捡到的珠宝交给了一位乘务员,乘务员把珠宝交给了科隆的保安人员。

8.He expressed sopdarity with the work of the security officers and insisted criminals had infiltrated the peaceful demonstrators.他表示认同安全官员处理此次事件的方式,并且坚称,犯罪分子渗透进和平的示威者中。

9.It is reported that Iranian security officers first tried to chase a woman broke into the embassy.有报道称,伊朗安全人员起初试图追捕一名闯入使馆的女子。

10.A pne of security officers formed a human wall, as they tried to contain protesting parents in Mianzhu on Sunday.警员们排起了人墙试图阻止周六在绵竹抗议的父母们。