




1.本田我今年33岁,有两辆本田Hondas),其中一辆 Acura,一辆VW。我想很多人和我一样,都因为北美生产的汽车不符合自身 …


1.When Hondas and Toyotas first rolled off the ships into our yards back in the 60's, everyone laughed.60年代的时候,当本田和丰田第一次把船开到离我们只有几码远,每个人都笑了。

2.Cars have become much more fuel-efficient, and new electronic features are making Hondas safer, said Angie Nucci of Honda America.汽车已经变得更省油,而新的电子特性使得本田车更为安全,美国本田的安洁·努奇说道。

3.Yeah, I thought newspaper editors drove Hondas, not Rolls-Royces, but that's Hollywood, I guess.是的,我也认为报纸编辑应该开本田,而不是劳斯莱斯,但这是好莱坞,所以一切皆有可能?

4."They [Cisco] are selpng Rolls-Royces and Lamborghinis, " says Shapiro, Vidyo's founder and CEO. "We're selpng the Hondas and Acuras. "Vidyo公司的创始人兼首席执行官夏皮诺打了这样一个比方:“他们(思科)卖的是劳斯莱斯和兰博基尼,而我们卖的是本田和讴歌。”

5.But maybe the world's next bilpon will be happy with Hondas instead of Hummers.但也许世界未来增长的十亿人口更乐于选择本田而不是悍马。

6.Shanghai to drive franchisees Beijing ever wai car sales Services Limited will display new end BMWs, Hondas King Cheng two new models;上海通用雪佛兰特许经营商北京路通威汽车销售服务有限公司将展出雪佛兰新赛欧、雪佛兰景程两款新车型;

7.Pictured, Hondas await export at a pier in Tokyo图中,大批本田汽车在东京的一个码头上等候出口。